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HEY welcome to my new fan fiction called "LIPS SEALED" if you have any feedback at all, negative or positive please let me now in the comments below. I am always looking for feed back so I can improve my stories. If you have any question don't be afraid to ask!! And I hope you enjoy x


Payton's POV

"Umm, excuse me dear?" I looked up to see a lady maybe in her 70's tapping my shoulder lightly.

"Yes?" I asked politely giving her a quick smile.

"Do you know where the nearest ice cream shop is by any chance? My grandchildren Mia and Josh are begging for ice cream." She asked.

"Um, d-down the r-road to the left" I stuttered out, she gave me a worried look before giving me a quick smile and muttering a quick thank you. I smile back and watched her call out to her grandchildren who were playing on the play ground a couple of metres away.

The name Mia brought tears to my eyes, my best friend since births name was Mia, Mia Millier.

A lot of people thought we were sister. We were always stuck at the hip I guess you could say, we done everything together. It got to the point were we would finish each other's sentences. Each night we were at each other's houses, If I wasn't at my house I was at hers. I missed her like crazy. I still think about her death and how it was all my fault. If Only I hadn't suggested my idea then she would still be here right now and I wouldn't be the way I am today.

I looked down at my feet and realised that I was still in my dress and heals from last night. The people in the park are probably looking at me like I am crazy. I picked up my bag and headed to the closest public toilets to get ready for tonight.


I chucked my bag on the bench in the public toilets and pulled out my make up bag. I gave my face a good scrub with my hands, making sure I got all the make up off, before re-applying my lip gloss, eye liner and mascara. I rubbed my lips together making them pop making sure the lip gloss was an even spread, before putting my make up bag back in my bag and straightening out my dress. I ran my fingers through my hair, neatening it out a bit.

I grabbed out my smaller toiletry bag, and pulled out my pills, having a bit of trouble with the child lock I finally got it open. I unscrewed my water bottle, popping a VFP (Ventricular Fibrillation Pill) in my mouth before swallowing it down quickly, I the got a antidepressant and a anxiety tablet, before taking another 2 gulps of water.

I picked up my bag shoving everything back in and I headed to the closets Starbucks.

I rubbed my arms with my hands trying to get rid of my goose bumps that were forming. Man my feet were killing me, I hobbled out of my shoes, carrying them in one hand and holding my bag in the other. I looked up to see a Starbucks, YES!! man I'm hungry, I ran across the road and opened the door to get a welcoming warm breeze. The door made a loud noise as I ran into it, all heads looked over to me. I looked around before looking at my feet feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Stop looking" I snapped. Someone cleared there throat and everyone slowly looked away. I chucked my shit in the nearest booth, and headed bare feet over to the counter. The women behind the counter looked me up and down, before razing an eyebrow at me.

"You done?" I asked. She shuffled uncomfortable,

"Good, I'll take a banana bread and a hot chocolate please" I asked. She eyed me up and down again before typing it in the register.

"Name?" She snorted. I looked down and her name tag Niki, suited her face really, ha.

"Payton" I replied.

"5 pounds please" she squeaked. I handed her over a 5, before heading back over to my table. I pulled out my phone checking my messages.

Eleanor: Payton? Please answer me? Pleaseeeeeeeeee... Come stop ignoring me. I haven't seen you in years? I am sorry I stopped calling?! Come on?

*Missed Call Eleanor*

Eleanor: PAYYYTOOOOON!!?!!!

I sighed deleting them all, I opened up temple run, trying to beat my highest score when someone slammed a drink down in front of my face, and shoving the banana bread in my hand. I chucked my phone it fright, and watched her as she walked away.

"Well, thank you for being graceful about it all" I called out to her, while sipping on my hot chocolate. She shot me a fake smile from behind the counter.


I danced around the club to the beat, suckling the rest of my drink. I chucked the glass onto the table, hearing it smash, making me giggle.

"Whoops" I laughed drunkenly.

"Can I buy you a drink babe" I voice whispered in my ear. I span around and was face to face with a guy probably in his late 20s or early 30s. Ehh I've had worst, I mumbled to myself. I got up close to him and whispered in his ear.

"Sure baby" he grabbed my hand and lead me too the bar.

"6 shots please" he asked the bartender. I gave him a quick smirk.

He slid me over three shots. I picked up one and chucked my head back, feeling the burning liquid slide down my throat, followed by the next 2. I slammed the glasses down, and looked up to see him with a smirk on his face.

He had his last shot before pulling me over to the dance floor. I pulled him behind me and started dancing to the beat, grinding him up and down. I looked up at him and his eyes were full of lust. I smirked before placing a quick kiss on the corner of his lips.

"You missed" he growled. I bit my lip.

"I don't think I did" I smirked innocently. He pulled me in to his chest before smashing his lips to mine, he pinched my arse, before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the other side of the club to the toilets.

He pushed me into the mans before locking a cubical door behind me. He licked his lips before pushing me up against the wall and smashing his lips against mine, I groaned kissing him back. I bit his lip, pulling it back lightly, making him groan. His lips traveled down to my neck leaving a few hickeys. I moaned as he found my week spot. His hands traveled down to the hem on my dress.

"You house?" I whispered. He smirked before pulling me out.

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