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Payton's POV

My breathing got slower and my vision got smaller, black dots slowly starting to appear, as I made my way through the car park of the Hospital. Luckily for me the hospital wasn't far from the cemeratey. My legs stopped moving as I got to the pavement next to the hospital entrance.

I held my chest tight feeling a sharp pain shoot through my chest. I shut my eyes tight in pain, slowly I felt my body go numb, before feeling a hard impact of the concert.

Niall's POV

The boys and I had just finished our day at the Royal Hospital here in London. We were visiting all of our fans in the children's wing. It was good to see them you know. It hurt like hell knowing that a lot of our fans go through so much pain, weather it's emotional or physical. It also tells me a lot, knowing how lucky I am to have my life, healthy and well.

Me and Harry were walking along the path of the hospital. I looked around, and my eyes locked with a brunette girl walking slowly through the car park. She was holding her chest like her life was depended on it. I watched her closely as she suddenly stopped, wobbling a back and forth. Before she fell straight to the ground.

"Hey Niall are you listening?" Harry asked clicking his fingers in front of my face. I ignored him completely running straight over to the girl. I rolled her over slowly, grabbing her wrist lightly trying to find a pulse.

"NIALL" Harry yelled running up behind me, his eyes full of confusion.

"Shit" I mumbled. Looking up at Harry. His eyes locked with the girl and his eyes went wide. Before he turned around and ran. Did he know her?

"SOMEBODY HELP" Harry screamed running into the entrance of the hospital. Seconds later a few nurses and doctors ran out with a bed. They started screaming at each other. Picking her up and putting her on the bed. Before wheeling her back into the hospital fast. My heart was beating fast in my chest, full of adrenalin. I picked up her bag and Harry and I followed inside.

Payton's POV

I opened my eyes slowly getting blinded by the sudden bright light. My eyes met another set of eyes.

"Payton" they spoke softly. I looked around the room, I was in the hospital. I felt tubes on my faces and up my nose. I pulled my hand up trying to pull the tubes out.

"No Payton you need to keep them" the voice mumbled grabbing my hand.

"How do you know my name?" I whispered.

"I'm Dr.Wilson, I know you, and it was written on your bag." He spoke pointing to my bag that was sitting next to the bed.

"Oh, Hey Dr.Wilson long time no see aye?" I chuckled. Causing him to smile.

"How did I get in here" My croaky voice asked, man I was confused.

"These two lads saw you on the ground outside. We lost you for a few minuets Payton. You need to be careful, especially with your contion." He added. I nodded my head slowly, looking behind him and seeing a new face and a yet familiar head of brown curls. They gave me a quick smile, before I brought my attention back to the doctor.

"You are free to go in a few hours, but be careful, now I need a number of your guardian or a friend over the age of 19 to sign you out because as you know you are only 18." He smiled.

"Huh? I'm 19 what are talking about" I laugh nervously.

"Payton, your still on our records because of th-" he started.

"Please don't say it, I give in I'm 18" I mumbled not wanting to hear anything about the accident. I have had enough of this for one day.

"Sure, I'm sorry I know it was tough' he replied giving me a smile with pity.

"Now that number." He asked.️ what the fuck am I gonna do??

"Um sure can you please pass me my bag?" I asked with a smile. He gave me a quick smile before handing me over my bag. I pulled out my phone, and switching it on,

"Uh it's 04 063 423 18" I mumbled. (A/N: IM NOT SURE IF ITS A REAL NUMBER, I MADE IT UP.)

"Thank you," he smiled before walking out the door.

"So-" the blonde one started but I cut him off by pointing my fingers in front of my lips, and picking up my now ringing phone.

"Hello" I answered putting on a different voice.

"Payton?" Dr.Wilson chuckled,

"Auh no this is not Payton this is her mother Mrs.Taylor" I replied. But no one answered.

"Hello?" I asked, a few seconds later the door flew open. There stood Dr.Wilson.

"Really? Trying to pull that one again" he spoke. I huffed in annoyance and than hung up the phone. Harry notice that I was annoyed and spoke up.

"I'm 19 doc, where do I sign?" he asked. He looked over to me with a smile, i roze my eyebrow and rolled my eyes at him. Earning a smirk in return.

"Um, sure I will be right back." Dr.Wilson smiled, before walking out the room.

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