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Harry's POV

I was currently walking through the isle of Walmart heading to the lady section. I feel so sorry for women sometimes. But having a mother and a sister I have learnt just to obey them when they are at that time of month. Otherwise things get ugly. You just agree and go long and you will be fine.

I stopped as I got to the tampons. My eyes skimmed the shelves. What the fuck. There are like 50 different types but they all look the same just different colour boxes.

"Um can I help you?" A soft older voice spoke. I span around to see an older lady in a Walmart uniform.

"Uh, I am looking for t-tampons" I stuttered out scratching the back of my neck.

"Yes? What type?" She chuckled.

"Uh.. The ones that go in?" I questions. Man this is so embarrassing. I can already imagine the tabloids. 'Harry Styles having trouble tampon shopping'. The lady laughed to herself.

"How old is she" she laughed.

"Um 20" I mumbled. The lady skimmed the shelf before walking over to a packet of purple. And she handed them over to me.

"Thank you" I smiled as I grabbed them off her and ran down the isle. Man that was so emabraasing. I hope no paps got any of that.

Next I headed over to the lollie section, grabbing a couple chocolate bars, I went to the cold section grabbing a chocolate Ben & Jerry's. I walked over to the register. I looked around before quickly paying and running out to my car. I am so emabarassed.

On the way back to the flat I stopped by Video Easy, I headed to the chick flicks and grabbed a stack of movies.

Payton's POV

I was currently flicking through Instagram. I went to Harry's page and followed him and then Niall. I looked over at the time. It was only 5:15pm I am so bored... Suddenly the door flung open scaring the living shit out of me. I flew straight off the bed landing hard on the floor.

"OMG Payton!?" Harry yelled running over and picking me up.

"Are you ok?" He laughed.

"I'm fine" I laughed with him. I looked over at him as he tipped everything out of his bag.

"Okay so I got, ice cream, Panadol, chocolate, movies and uh, t-tampons" he said quickly.

"You got all of that for me?" I whispered.

"Well, Yeah women go through a lot of pain" he chuckled.

"Thankyou" I smiled pulling him into a hug.

"Chocolate how did you know?" I asked picking up the Ben and Jerry ice cream.

"It's my favourite too" he stated shly.

"I'll be back I'm getting spoons" he yelled running down the hall way.

"Ok!" I yelled back grinning to myself like an idiot. I have never felt like this before. I've never aloud myself to like someone, but I just can't help it, Harrys just so AUGHHHHHHH you know?

I grabbed the packet of tampons and made my way to the bathroom.


"Thank you Harry" I whispered, as we both dug into the ice cream.

"It's fine" he whispered back, giving me a quick peck on the fore head.

I smiled to myself feeling generally happy, but yet again I still feel really guilty. Harry knows only the littlest things about me, and I know everything about him. I'm just afraid to tell him and for him to find out the truth.

"How did you know chocolate and ice cream helps?" I asked razing an eyebrow.

"Let's just say my sister was a bit mean when she was on her p-period" he replied struggling with the word period. I couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"Hey wait a minuet" I spoke sitting up.

"What?" Harry asked sitting up next to me confused.

"You got home at 5:15? It's only 6 now. Harry did you just leave?" I asked razing an eyebrow.

"Well I don't like it when you're hurt" he whispered, his cheeks heating up fast.

"Uh Harry you could get into trouble" I whined.

"It's alright I had done my parts" he whispered tackling me into a hug and pecking me cheek.

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