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I was still in hospital, but the doctors said I could leave later today. No one has heard from Harry. I told the boys that I would appreciate it if they didn't tell Harry what happened. They all agreed which i was happy with.

"Zayn can I talk to you alone please" I asked him. Niall gave me a look before walking out with the boys.

"Sure" he whispered sitting down next to the bed.

"I'm sorry, I hope everything is okay with you and Perrie" I whispered.

"Yeah we sorted it out" he whispered giving me a smile.

"I'm so sorry" I mumbled.

"It's not your fault it takes two to tango" he chuckled.

"I'm sorry about Harry" he whispered.

"It's ok we weren't even dating" I replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Uh we were faking"


"I was hiding and I guess, and it was what our excuse every time we needed to arrive without you guys seeing us"

"Why were you hiding?"

"I was hiding from Eleanor" I whispered. I wish I had not have said that, now he is going to ask questions. Dam it I didn't even tell Niall or Harry that.

"Why?" He muttered confused.

"We used to be friends and I guess I am not ready to face her yet" I whispered, kind if hopping we could finished the conversation their. Zayn was bout to speak but the door interrupted him and the doctor and the boys walked in.

Yes saved by the doc. Never didn't I ever think I would say that.


We were all currently sitting around the lounge room, well all but Harry. It felt strange being in their house and to be actually sitting with them. Zayn said he 'accidentally' told the rest if the lads about me not actually dating Harry. But he didn't say anything about it to Eleanor which I am thankful for.

"Uh, Niall?" I asked.


"Can I stay with you tonight?" I whispered.

"Sure we can have a slumber party and we can talk about boys" he smirked. I picked up the pillow from right next to me and pegged it across the room. Hitting Niall right in the face.

"Okay okay we won't" he laughed putting his hands up in defence, as I went to pick up another one. Liam was about to speak but was cut off completely with the door swinging open.

"Hey guys" Harry spoke cheerfully walking in the room his eyes traveled around the room, and his smile dropped as he reached me. He glared at me for a bit before storming up the stairs.

"I think I am going to head to bed." I whispered, getting up slowly.

"Same, night lads" Niall spoke following close behind me.

We headed up the stairs, I slowed down as we walked past Harry's room. His door was slightly opened, he was sitting on his bed shirtless, with his hands up against his face. His eyes flicked over to me, we stared at each other for what felt like hours but in reality was only a few seconds, before he got up and slammed the door.


"Do you think he will ever forgive me?" I whispered.

Niall and I were currently lying on our backs in bed looking up at the roof. It felt strange not lying next to Harry. I have to admit I am missing him. I hope he doesn't ignore me for ever, I no he has every right to, but a girl can hope right?

"I think he will come to his senses soon." Niall whispered giving me a quick smile. We laid in silence until he spoke up.

"Night Paytie"

"Goodnight Nialler, thanks for helping me I guess" I replied.

"It's fine Pay, just promise me if you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable or sore, tell me right away ok?" He mumbled sleepishly.

"Ok" I muttered.

A/N: I'm sorry for the short update.

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