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Harry's POV

Once we arrived back at the flat. I carried her stuff back to the room why she sat it the car, all the crying must have made her tied because she fell ALSEEP in my arms. It made me sad you know. Seeing her cry. I held her close to me as we walked in. Niall saw me and looked over, his eyes traveled straight to Payton and he ran over.

"Hey is she ok? What happened? Can I do anything?" Niall asked worried.

"She's a bit shaken, nothing happened it's alright, can you please just keep the boys distracted while I take her upstairs. Just say I'm not feeling well or something" I mumbled. Walking up the stairs and into my room.

"Yeah sure" He mumbled running off.

Payton's POV

I opened my eyes, and sat up slowly. I looked to my left to see Harry looking straight at me. I was confused for a few seconds but then everything from yesterday come flooding back to me. I can't believe my mum said that. I rubbed my face with my hands and let out a sigh.

"I know something is wrong Payton, but I am not going to force you to talk, I can see that you are holding something in and I can tell it's really hurting you, but when you are ready to talk I'm here" He mumbled pulling me into a hug.

"And you can stay as long as you like." He mumbled holding me tight.

"Thank you" I smiled back between my tears. "For everything" I added.


"Niall what are you doing they might see me?!" I mumbled to the Irish lad who was pulling me into the kitchen.

"Relax, Liam's our with Sophie, Harry is with Louis and Eleanor, and Zayn is out with his girlfriend" Niall replied. I automatically stopped. Girlfriend? ZAYN HAD A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND OH SHIT!! what the fuck have I done.

"Ah, Payton you ok?" Niall asked flicking his fingers in front of my face.

"I'm fine" I smiled.

"Okay so I am really craving chocolate chip cookies" he mumbled sliding a bag of flour across the bench.

"Ok chef let's start"


"You know when I said let's start, I was kind of leaning towards making the biscuits not having a food fight" I mumbled to Niall.

We were both currently sitting with out backs against the bench on the floor, covered in food. The kitchen was a mess. There was egg shells, chocolate, butter, and flour everywhere.

"Yeh, I figured" he mumbled as we watched an egg shell fall from the celling and land at out feet.

"This is going to be fun to clean up." I whispered.

"How about let's ditch and say we didn't do it, you know so they think it was a burglar" he mumbled.

"Are you stupid, how many burglars do you know that would break into One Directions apartment just to bake Chocolate chip cookies?" I laughed.

"True" he chuckled.

"Well it would b-" he started but the sound of voices cut us off.

"What the fuck?" My eyes snapped towards Louis and Harry standing at the entrance of the kitchen with there jaws dropped.

"Who are you?" Louis muttered confused. I looked over at Harry and he was looking around the mess of the kitchen before his eyes met with mine.

"It was all Niall, he kidnapped me and forced me to bake cookies" I yelled jumping up.

"What no, not true, objection!!" He yelled standing up next to me. I chuckled. Objection? I looked over at him and we both started cracking up. Louis and Harry still stood there with no emotion and Niall and I were just fucking laughing and I don't know why.

"Ugh, Payton" Niall mumbled.


"Louis has seen you" my eyes widened as I realised Louis now knows what I look like. He just has to be dating Eleanor doesn't he.

"Oh shit" I mumbled.

"Well, ugh. What now" I whispered to Niall.

"Well I would suggest run, but I have egg shells down my pants and it hurts" he mumbled back.

"Can you pull them out?" I whispered back

"no, they are too far down" he whispered slowly.

"Dang it Niall" I mumbled softly.

"You finished Cupcake" Harry chuckled.

"You know her?" Louis asked confused.

"Yeah she's my girlfriend" Harry spoke walking over to me and pulling me into his waist.

"When did this happen?" Niall whispered, I shrugged my shoulders and I looked over to see him looking shocked, and then I looked up to Harry who was staring a Louis.

"This this is the girl you brang home" Louis smirked.

"Yeh man" Harry smirked.

"Um well nice meeting you" I mumbled, in this awkward situation.

"Yeh you too" he smirked turning to walk out if the room.

"Oh and Lou, we are secretly dating so you are not aloud to tell anyone, and by anyone I mean no one at all" Harry said strictly.

"Not even El? Not the rest of the boys?" He questioned.

"No not the boys and especially not El"

"Okay" he sighed.

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