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Payton's POV

"So, that was close" Harry sighed sitting on his bed. His king sized bed might I add.

"Yeah" I mumbled running my hand through my hair.

"Why are you hiding?" He asked quietly. I bit my lip not really sure how to answer.

"To soon?" He asked. I gave a quick smile and nodded my head softly.

"So you hungry?" He smiled back, before I could answer he spoke.

"Wait you don't get an option doctors orders, I will be right back" he mumbled getting up and closing the door quickly behind him.

Harry's POV

I slipped out the room and quickly made my way down stairs. I walked past the lounge and all 4 boys eyes were stuck to the screen like glue.

"Good game" I spoke. They all muttered a few random words. I chuckled to myself quietly, before walking into the kitchen.

I pulled out 2 plates and four slices of bread. I buttered the bread, before adding some Nutella, everyone likes Nutella don't they? I put everything away and opened the fridge pulling out the orange juice. I filled to glasses chucking the empty carton in the bin and shutting the fridge door with my foot. I carefully grabbed everything making my way upstairs, luckily the boys were still in there little gaming world, so they didn't notice me walk past with 2 lots of food.

Payton's POV

Harry sat down in front if me handing me a cup of orange juice and a sandwich. I snatched the orange juice off him fast, slurping it down in seconds. Harry looked at me with an amused face.

"Thirsty?" He asked.

"Mmhm" I mumbled licking the last drop. He just chuckled lightly biting into his sandwich. I picked up the sandwich and looked over to Harry.

"Is there meat in this?" I asked.

"Ugh, nope, just Nutella" he replied.

"Why?" He added.

"Oh, I'm vegan" I replied biting into the sandwich.

"Oh, really how long have you been vegan before?" He asked curious.

"My whole life I quess, my parents always told me that eating animals was like eating humans, I remember asking if I could try a ham burger once and they replied with, I quote 'you may as well run down the street and eat someone's arm off' yeah they were a bit strange" I muttered. Harry's eyes went wide.

"So you have never had a ham burger or a taco?" He asked surprised.

"Nope. But I am fine with it I guess, I kind feel bad for the animals" I replied.

"I feel bad sometimes too for the animals, but I'm not as tough as you! I can't last a week without a steak" he spoke. I laughed putting down the other half of my sandwich. I got up and walked over to my bag, pulling out my toiletry bag and heading into his bathroom.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked leaning on the door frame.

"Brushing my teeth" I replied in the same tone.

"What about the other half?" He pointed to the sandwich.

"You better eat it" he added.

"But I'm fuuuullllll" I whined.

"Please?" He asked.

"No" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Yes" He replied mirroring my actions.





"Half of it" I asked with hope.


"Half or none" I replied looking down at my nails.

"Fine?!" He mumbled. I stropped back over to the bed, slowly eating HALF of the sandwich I had left.


I locked the bathroom door behind me, sliding out of my jeans and shirt, before putting on my black trackies and an old oversized t-shirt. I brushed my teeth quickly. I then grabbed out all my pills. I put the toilet seat down and sat there for a bit trying to undo the child lock. Man I hate these things. Once I got it open, I headed over to the sink, grabbing a handful of water and swallowing my pills. I washed my face, zipped up my toiletry bag and opened the door.

Harry was sitting on his bed, he looked over at me and gave me a quick smile. I put my bag away, and stood there awkwardly. He picked up a pillow and laid on the floor.

"Argh? What are you doing Harry?" I asked confused.

"Sleeping" he replied looking up at me from where he was lying.

"Why are you on the floor? you have a bed?" I exclaimed pointing over to his bed.

"I'm being a gentle man and I'm letting you sleep in the bed." I said with a charming smile.

"You don't have to be a gentle man, plus what if someone walks in they are gonna see me first?" I replied, Harry chilled on the ground for a bit trying to think of what to say.

"Fine, how about you sleep on the left side and I will sleep on the right side, that way if someone walks In they will see me first cause the doors on the right." He replied.

"Fine," I huffed.

A/N: I am sorry that this chapter wasn't very interesting):


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