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Payton's POV

"What are you doing today?" I turned around and asked Harry.

"Um, I'm not sure We have a day off" he replied scrolling through is phone.

"Well I'm going down the street" I said getting up, and swinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Na-ar girlfriend" he sassed standing in front of me.

"What why not? I need clothes"

"Because.. Um.. Fine but Niall and I are coming with" he replied.

"Fine!" I huffed. I opened the bedroom door looked both ways, and ran straight into Niall's room, Harry stayed close behind me. I slammed the door and turned around to see I was face to face with Niall.

"Hey" he mumbled confused,

"Come on bitch we are going shopping" Harry sassed Niall, causing us to crack up. What a dork.


"You guys stay on that side of the shop, you wouldn't want to be seen with me," I mumbled heading to the ladies section.

"But we are hidden with our disguise" Niall replied confused.

"Yep, your glasses make you look like a whole new man, plus I will only be a few minutes" I mumbled.

"I guess your right" he laughed and followed Harry to the mans section.

I walked through the ales, running my hand over all the expensive clothes. I kept walking until I got to the cheeper part of the shop. I picked up a few tops, undies, a new pair of jeans, a couple pairs of shorts and a few sweaters and jumpers. I headed to the register. And smiled at the lady who scanned my clothes.

"That will be £170 please" she smiled. I handed over a few notes, and she handed me my bag and receipt. (A/N: I have know idea how pounds work, I am Australian, I'm sorry if it's wrong.)

I thanked the lady, I scrolled through my phone while I walked over to where I saw the boys standing. I stopped still in my tracks as I saw two pairs of white converses. I shut my phone and looked up. Emma and Ally stood there, they looked shocked to see me.

"We haven't seen you in a year" Ally spoke, with a mix of hurt, anger and confusion.

"Yeh um"

"Where have you been" Emma snapped.

"Wait I don't even care! You hurt us, you hurt us all. I can't believe we were ever friends" she snapped slapping me across the face. I saw the boys look over confused, they started to walk. I held my hand up for them to stop.

"I know Emma, I'm hurt too its just I-"

"Don't! Your family are so ashamed of you, we are so ashamed." Ally mumbled before grabbing Emma's arm and stormed out of the shop. Harry and Niall ran over.

"What the fuck just happened?" Niall snapped.


"Don't give us that nothing crap" Harry snapped.

"I'm sorry. It was an old friend" I replied.

"Why did she slap you?" Niall asked worriedly.

"I fucked her boyfriend" I said with no emotion. What the hell was I going to say?

"Um, ok than" Harry said rubbing his neck slightly uncomfortable. Niall just stood there a little shocked.

"Yeah, now let's go"


We pulled up to apartments and we all hoped out of the car.

"Looks like El's here" Niall mumbled as we walked into the lobby.

"Wait what?!!" I panicked.

"Um, that's her car parked In front of ours" Niall replied confused, punching in the buttons in the elevator.

"Shit" I cursed. The both looked at me.

"Um, that means at least Lou will be there" I added quickly covering up.

"Oh right shit!" Harry snapped. The elevator came to a stop and we walked to the front of the door.

"Um, Niall say you weren't with me and take these up to my room please." Harry said taking my bags and handing them to Niall.

"Ok" he mumbled walking in and shutting the door quickly behind him. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

"What that fuck are you doing?" I cursed confused.

"Follow me lead" he whispered cheekily bringing his lips to my neck.

He opened the door slamming in quickly behind me. He pushed me up against the door, looking at me deep in the eyes, before placing a few quick kisses on my neck. Causing me to moan quietly. I heard him chuckle as he used his spare hand to push my head in his neck. My hands crept up to his hair.

"Stay down" he whispered pinching my arse, making me jump into his arms. He placed a few more kisses down my neck, I pulled his hair tight feeling a moan creep up my throat. What is he doing to me? I can't believe I'm getting so weak over this. He kissed me again before a voice interrupted him. Harry shot his head around holding my face down in his neck so it was hidden.

"Ugh Harry" Louis groaned.

"Get a room" Eleanor added. As they quickly left running into the other room. Harry chuckled before walking back slowly towards the stairs, pushing me up against a different wall, giving me a few more kisses. Making me moan again. I felt Harry's member get a bit excited underneath me.

"Is anyone looking" his hot breath whispered against my neck. I slowly peeked up from his shoulder.

"All clear" I whispered, into his ear. Making him groan softly. He quickly put me down, grabbing my hand and pulling me up the stairs.

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