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Payton's POV

"Harry" I groaned. As he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down to the bed, so I couldn't move.

"You're not leaving!" He whined.

"It's been more then a week" I replied trying to get up from his grip, but it was just too tight.

"I don't care! Unless you let me drive you home and I see you walk in with your family and you are safe, you are not leaving" he replied.

"But the deal was a week"

"Well you only have one option yes or no"

"But Harry"

"Buts are for siting not arguing" he chuckled.

"Ughhhhhhh" I sighed.

"Fine take me home" I mumbled.

"Good lets go" he snapped grabbing my bags and his keys and walking straight about the door. I wasn't sure what he felt at the moment. He seemed happy and now he seems mad. What did I do?


I slid into the passenger seat next to Harry. He started the engine and didn't even look at me.

"Where do you live?" He mumbled.

"39 Chester street" I mumbled. (A/N: I don't even know if this is a street I made it up)

"Why didn't you tell me you lived right around the corner?" He asked. Pulling into my street.

"I didn't realise I guess"

Once my house come in eyes few, I felt my eyes fill up. I hate crying in front of people I really do. I haven't seen my house in years. I guess it hit a few nerves, I have so many memories in that house with my family, friends, Mia and Eleanor.

"Uh Payton" Harry clear his throat. I looked over at him and his faced softened.

"Hey why are you crying" he whispered. I quickly wiped my face and gave him a quick hug. I gabbed my bags and hoped out of the car.

"Um say goodbye to Niall for me would ya?" I asked slowly. He didn't answer me, he just looked at me. I made my way to the door step.

I put my bags down lightly and turned to see Harrys car still there, he was still watching me. I turned my attention back to the front door. I bring my hand up to the wooden door, I left it their for a bit, quiet scared about what was going to happen. After a good couple minuets I knocked on the door. I heard foot steps before the door swung open.

"Payton?" She snapped. Their stood my mother wearing her usually clothes, with her hair down like it always has been. God she looked the same.

"What are you doing here?" She snapped. Walking outside and shutting the door behind her.

"I need a place to stay" I whispered.

"Well you lost that privilege" she muttered, her eyes travelled behind me. I followed her glaze to Harry's car, he was still there.

"Payton we don't want you here" she snapped.

"Mum?" I whispered.

"Leave!" She mumbled pushing me back slightly.

"What?" I muttered.

"I said LEAVE" she snapped pushing me too the floor.

"I don't know who you are any more, but I do know one thing you are certainly not my daughter." She snapped turning around and slamming the door behind her. That hurt me the most. I knew she was mad at what I had done. But saying i wasn't her daughter that fucking hurt most.

I heard foot steps come up behind me. I was lifted off the ground and back to my feet. Harry's face was filled with concern. He stared at me for a bit before pulling me into a hug and didn't say a word.

He carried my stuff back to the car, I followed along like a lost puppy. Once we were both back in the car, we sat in silence. Before Harry spoke up.

"Payton what's going on?" He whispered. The tears kept falling, until they turned into pure sobs.

He pulled me into a hug and held me.

All I needed was a hug,

I felt safe.

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