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Payton's POV

"Do you think anyone's in here?" Harry asked. I stood frozen on my feet, what do i do??

"I don't think so, I can't here anything" El replied unsure.

"Good" Harry groaned, "I just want there to be a couple hours of a day without being mobbed." He added.

I got up slowly and stopped the machine, I'm quite surprised that they haven't heard the dryer going. I slowly opened it and grabbed out my now dry clothes. I shoved them in my bag and slowly sipped it up. I span around running straight into a wall. Fucking hell! Trust me to run into a wall at a time like this.

"What was that?" El asked. I herd foot steps getting closer. I rubbed my head feeling like a complete idiot. And I was soon face to face with a set of green eyes and head full of curly brown hair. He opens his mouth the speak, but I shoved my hand over his mouth.

"Shhh please" I whispered quietly. He nodded his head and I slowly took my hand off his mouth and he whispered back.

"Your hand taste like chicken" he mumbled with a smirky smile. I gave him a quick smile before turning around and looking for a way out.

"Umm, no ones here" he yelled back to the rest of them, he pointed past my head. I followed his finger. YES a window! I ran over to the window opening it slowly. I climbed out and turned back to him, he gave me a little wave and a wink, I rolled my eyes and I gave a quick one wave back before running straight down the Main Street.


God today was a close call. If I had come face to face with Eleanor I don't know what I would have done or how I would have reacted. I held the bunch of pink and white flowers tightly in my hand as I entered the gates of the cemetery. I let out a sigh as I made my way to my best friends grave. As I come across it, I let out a shaky breath feeling the tears well up in my eyes. i chucked my bag down and sat down next to it. Placing the flowers down lightly and resting my hand on the grave.

"Hey Mia" I croaked, feeling the tears spill out of my eyes.

I ran my fingers over the picture of Mia smiling remembering the perfect memory behind the picture, it was at my 18 birthday. We all got our nails done and had sushi, but we ended up all getting food poisoning. Your probably thinking what a strange thing to do for an 18th birthday, yeah It was nothing special, but we were all together and that's all we ever needed really. And I miss it so much.

"I miss you so much Mia and I am so sorry. I wish I could just go back, and change everything but I can't, it's too late. You were my rock, my sister, my other half and I can't believe it's been a year" I sobbed quietly to myself. I suddenly herd clapping. I snapped my head around seeing Hayes standing there with red puffy eyes.

"Wasn't that sweet" he snapped.

"Hayes?" I mumbled standing up slowly.

"BUT ITS TOO LATE NOW PAYTON! ISNT IT?? YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!" He yelled walking up to me. Making me flinch. He stood right up to me, feeling his chest press up against my nose.

"You took her away from me" he slurred, the smell of alcohol filled the air. God he was drunk.

"Now I gotta do something about it" he snapped. I shivered feeling slightly frighten. He grabbed my arm and pushed me too the ground. The impact of the ground knocked the wind out of me. My heart started to bump fast.

"You think you're special don't you Payton?" He mumbled kneeling down to my level.

"Do you know how many people you hurt, or how many people now hate you?" He whispered. I held my chest tight, feeling my heart beat faster and then to slow, knowing that I will soon pass out.

"I am going to say this once and once only, if you come anywhere near here or me again I will kill you, like you killed her. Got it?" He spat,

"Y-ye-eah" I stuttered out slowly, he snorted before getting up and running out of the cemetery. I laid there for a bit feeling my heart beat, I breathed slowly trying to control it but it was working, the pain in my heart was unbearable.

I got up slowly grabbing my bag with my free hand holding my chest with my other. A couple tears fell from my eyes. Out of 10 the pain was defiantly a 9 and 1/2. I was finding it very hard to walk. Every step cause so much pain. My vision was getting short.

But I slowly made my way out of the cemetery and to the closest hospital.


I hope you enjoyed chapter 3!! Please don't forget to comment or message me any feed back or questions....!
:D xx

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