Chapter Two

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 Jack fell into darkness, his heart stopped a few times, but he loved the feeling of wind kicking back his blonde hair, he loved the rush of adrenaline and the smell of fear and excitement all tangled into one. He suddenly came out of the darkness, and landing into what seemed to be a net. He struggled to get up, and Jack saw gloved hands reaching for him.

He quickly grabbed the nearest one, and he was yanked off and landing hard on his feet. He stumbled, and finally was able to let his eyes focus on the dimmed lights. Jack looked up at a dark skinned man, his eyes said death and his scowl said he wasn't in the greatest mood.

"Names Reaper, what's yours?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Jack stared at him for a second, "Uh, it's Jack..." He said finally, and Reaper nodded, calling his name out, "Jack, first jumper!" He called, then nodded, "Now go wait for the rest of your litter to jump." Jack walked toward the wall, leaning against it. He shook and his head spun. But it felt so nice.

He loved the idea of being able to jump from high places, to spin and have the wind lick at your face. He knew this was a great choice. He waited as the others jumped Fareeha joined them right after D.Va who promptly spelled her new name out. Fareeha as well decided to stick with her name, but when she was asked how it was spelled she said it a little different.

"Pharah." She spelled out, smirking at the guy who asked. Jack raised an eyebrow, "Cool name. Should have went with something cooler than 'Jack'." Pharah laughed, "Yeah, you boring Abnegation." When everyone was thrown down, Reaper lead them down a few dark hallways, explaining things in the most bored tone Jack has ever heard.

"Now listen ya little shits." He threw open a double door, walking into a huge room with cots tucked up the beams and against the walls. "You all sleep, dress, shower, and so forth in here." Jack raised an eyebrow, "Even with the girls?" Someone asked, voicing everyone's thoughts.

"Yeah, besides sleeping. If I hear a word one of you useless dogs tries to touch someone without consent you'll be joining the factionless, ya hear?" Everyone nodded, and then Reaper left them. "Ten minutes to change or you'll be joining factionless." He called and everyone quickly claimed a bed. Pharah and Jack chose on in the corner closer to the door. Pharah took the top bunk, and Jack bottum. D.Va sauntered over, taking the bed next to them. "Hey, you guys don't mind right?" She asked, pointing at the bed she already threw her bag on. "Not at all." Jack said, and she happily kicked back.

McCree took the top of the bunk after a small fight with D.Va. Jack looked at the nicely folded black clothes. And he would admit, as he changed, they hugged him a little too much. Pharah looked up, "Holy shit, lookin good." She laughed, looking him up and down. Jack pulled on some black gloves, "I don't know...They kind of hug a little too much..." He said, his bare arms prickling.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Pharah and him waited for D.Va and McCree before walking out and down into a hallway with their old clothes. D.Va gladly threw her black and white clothes into the fire, laughing harshly as they burned.

"Calm down there you devil." McCree said, throwing his stuff in as well. Jack and Pharah did the same, and with a sigh, he headed toward the end of the hallway. The door opened, and he was greeted to the other Dauntless group. Widowmaker stood in the group, and Sombra gave her a wave.

Surprisingly, Widowmaker waved back.

Jack and Pharah stood next to each other, both of them not noticing the looks they were getting. Pharah was already pretty built, Reinhardt also taught her how to fight and Ana secretly taught her how to shoot guns.

Jack gained most of his built body from his dad and loading food into trucks. Jack knew how to shot a gun, and he did admittedly work out here and there. That's why this was a good choice, for him and Pharah.

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