Chapter Four

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  Reaper closed the door softly and gestured for him to sit in the simulation chair. Jack sat, watching as Reaper entered some numbers on a screen. "So, you know how you keep breaking out of these simulations?" Jack nodded, rubbing his hands together.

"Well, Ethan has been poking around. And I don't know if you've caught on but he's the guy who runs things. Once he senses something's up, he'll try his hardest to find out the truth. I can mess with the data, but that's just saying I deleted certain parts of the simulations." Reaper turned to him, "So what I'm saying is from now till you don't need to take these tests, you gotta stop acting like a rebel."

"I'm not trying too...They just really freak me out?" Jack said, shrugging. Reaper just glared at him.

"Yeah, of course, that's what the simulations are supposed to do. Face your fears, figure a way around them, and get over it." Reaper dragged a rolling chair across the floor so he could sit next to him.

"But don't you like it when I'm done in five minutes?" Jack asked.

"Hell yeah, the best thing that happens all day. But unless you wanna get thrown into the Chasm, you gotta start dragging these simulations on. In the final tests, Jason, Ethan, and other instructors get to see exactly what you're seeing. So if you bat it aside saying it's not real, they'll know."

Jack nodded, biting his lip. He didn't know it was such a problem. From what Reaper told him, they found Divergents through how fast they got out of simulations at the first of training, and how easy they get through them. They're supposed to be able to slowly build up their resistance.

Reaper suddenly flicked his ear, making him jump, "Stop biting your lip, you'll eventually chew through it." Jack rolled his eyes, looking back toward the wall. "So, has Ethan asked?" Reaper shook his head, "Nah, but he will soon enough..."

Jack sighed, standing up. "Better get off to the training arena..." He said quietly, and Reaper let him walk out with his mind full of problems. Jack turned the corner, almost smacking into Ethan. "Hello, Jack," Ethan smirked, his jaw still had a bruise from their fight.

"Hello, sir." He nodded politely, before trying to push forward. Ethan put a hand on his arm, "Y'know, you don't have to been so formal. We might be Dauntless, but we aren't soldiers." Jack nodded and tried to walk away again, "So Jack, your simulation tests...How come you're finishing up so quick?"

Jack looked at him, trying to keep a cool head. "The simulations are pretty hard, but I do what I did with you. Planned it carefully and win by the skin of my teeth." Jack watched Ethan raise an eyebrow, purse his lips.

Jack also realized Ethan was slightly taller than him.

Ethan smiled, "Okay. Well good job, wouldn't expect anything else from our Golden Boy." He teased, before turning and walking away. Jack sighed and made his way to the training arena. He really couldn't go one say without being called that. Golden Boy was now a taunt to him here in Dauntless. In Abnegation it was almost a praise, so he didn't mind it so much.

Jack was slowly getting sick of his favorite nickname, the one his dad gave him, and that made Jack's heart skip a beat.

He walked in and was suddenly tackled by McCree and D.Va. "We're sorry if we offended you today!" Little D.Va cried, "Yeah, I didn't mean to pinch a nerve." McCree yelled. Jack started laughing, making the two look up in surprise.

"It's alright guys! I was just a little tired today from the fights." McCree and D.Va stared owlishly at him, before breaking into smiles.

The simulations were now every other day. The groups were so big, they had to split everyone up. So one day, you'll have simulations, the next, training. Reaper only did the simulations when it was Jack's turn, somehow sweet talking whoever it was to letting him do it. Jack sighed, shaking his arms out as he walked up to a punching bag.

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