Chapter Twelve

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The following week, they were informed of the end of their training. What they could do after this and what they can become. The top five were able to get work in the government of Dauntless. Jack finally got his spot back, number four. It was still annoying that he dropped so low, but he was back. The simulations were almost emotionally draining now, Jack woke up from them and stumbled every time he tried to walk back to his dorm and sleep.

Jack and Pharah stood next to each other, everyone was lined up, judging from their ranks. The other day, at least six people disappeared and Jack was glad D.Va was still their grinning like she just did the best stunt.

She and McCree currently stood behind Jack and Pharah, along with twenty-seven other people. The second group of Dauntless was on the other side of the room, at least ten people stood, Amelie among them.

Reaper stood next to Ethan, and surprisingly, Jason. He was smiling like it was Christmas, proud that Dauntless made soldiers for whatever the future had. Jason walked forward.

"Welcome! My my, what a great group of people we have here." Jason looked right at Jack, "I can't wait to see how you all test out."

Jack and Pharah watched as Ross was called first, and walked inside toward the chair that took up most of the room. He sat in it, looking nervous, while Victor of all people inserted the surem. Ross went asleep, and the screens along the side of the walls lit up. They could see everything from Ross's point of view.

They watched as Ross ran from dogs, jumped off a building, and get shot. The fears went on and on, ten minutes later he awoke with what Jack assumed was a good score because everyone looked satisfied.

Ross was excused to a waiting room, and Ice was called up next. She tossed her black hair aside casually and sat on the chair. Her reactions in the simulation and real life were almost hilarious. She jerked whenever a fear came by, and sometimes spasmed when she freaked out in the simulation.

Pharah was called next, and she did great, and Jack was surprised to see she only had four fears. One was losing her mother, Pharah had to shot sweet Ana Amari before she could move on. Second, was losing her friends. Angela, or Mercy, was next to her, smiling that dazzling smile Jack remembered to heart. Jack was there too, looking bored. Mercy and Pharah whispered before suddenly a loud gunshot echoed and Jack fell off the wall they were perched on. Pharah closed her eyes so she couldn't see Mercy die as well.

Third, she watched her stepfather Reinhardt die. He made a few jokes that had the room chuckling. But he passed with Pharah absence of tears. Four, she died. She looked Reaper of all people dead in the eye, and she watched as he pulled the trigger. She woke up slowly, and everyone wolf whistled at her progress.


Jack was next, and he was almost nervous. He tried to hide them as Victor gave him a 'good luck' look and with a soft pshh Jack went under. He awoke in his house, a good sign. He got up from his bland bed, not bothering to glance around and walked downstairs. He saw his parents sitting in the living room.

"Don't go outside Jack." His dad said, his sad blue eyes looking at the ground. Jack threw open the door, the black figures with guns slinking down the streets. His sister was dead on the ground, and with a heavy sigh, he closed the door. He was glad they didn't have to show those embarrassing moments with Reaper he seemed to have because he plunged straight into the water. He almost lost his breath the water made him go cold.

He wanted to panic, but he looked for an escape. There wasn't one. Now that was new, he kept his nerves under check and swam toward the top. He wanted to just hit the rocks blocking his view, but he knew his Divergence would kick in, and decided against it. He kept swimming till he found his exit.

Jack surfaced, taking in a lungful of air, and saw Jason instead of Ethan. "Need any help?" He asked innocently.

Jack ignored him and pulled himself up onto the shore. He almost ran smack into a glass mirror. There Reaper was, leaning against the glass. He kept looking at his watch he suddenly had. He looked back, right into Jack's eyes, before pushing himself off the glass, walking away slowly. Jack felt his heart almost die.

"Mm, such a pity," Jason said behind him, his cold green eyes digging holes in his back. "You were so much more than he was." Jack clenched his hands into fists. Jason stood up, his reflection standing right behind him.

"Oh Jack, bright blue-eyed Jack. So much talent wasted in this ditch hole. I'll make you an offer, I'll let you join Erudite and see your beloved sister if you'll kill him." A gun was shoved roughly into Jack's hand.

"Who?" Jack asked.

Jason raised the gun at the glass, "You." Jack stared back at himself. His reflection suddenly cracked a grin, his blue eyes turning manic and he heard a laugh. Not his, but one that sent chills to his soul.

"Morrison is weak, pitiful, useless. What is Morrison going to do? Kill me, or kill you?" Jack's self-whispered, "Because I'm a walking nightmare, and you're a walking bomb."

Jack pulled the trigger to get this over with.


Jack woke up with a grunt, the lights were a little too bright and his mind was running a million miles. He heard clapping, and Victor was roughly helping him to his feet. Jack stumbled a bit but walked into the stupid waiting room victoriously without dying. Pharah jumped up and helped him sit down.

"Kinda draining isn't it." She smirked, but all Jack could do was a nod. He leaned against Pharah.

"I'm exhausted. Why the hell does that take so much energy." She sighed shaking her head.

"The world will never know," Jack grumbled in agreement before slowly drifting off.

A few hours later as the room slowly filled Jason stood on the small stage in front of the room, "You all did great! In celebration, there will be a party down in the Chasm! But first, we'll be putting this new surem in that we've made to help with any sleeping tonight. Enjoy!"

Everyone whistled and jumped up, running toward the doors where people stood and waited with serum guns. Jack and Pharah looked at each other hesitantly, before following them out. Jack let the person hit him with the gun before he was out of that room and heading toward his dorm.

Parties were never his thing and he had no motive to go. Pharah wished him well and went to join the excitement downstairs. He walked alone and almost jumped out of his skin when a dark shadow crossed his and Reaper turned the corner.

"Thought I'd find you coming here." He said with a smirk. Jack sighed, shaking his head.

"Sorry, not much of a party person."

"Me neither." Gabriel swept Jack in his arms, Jack melting into his embrace. He loved how he fit so perfectly in his arms. "C'mon." Reaper murmured against his ear, "Let's go back to my place."

"And do what?" Jack smirked.

"We'll just have to see." 

A/N Thanks for such the long wait. Next chapter is goin to get SPICY! Thanks for sticking around and I hope you guys can wait just a tad longer for the next chapter 

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