Chapter Three

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Jack awoke the next morning feeling sore and emotionally drained. Pharah also looked like death and the two walked down to the cafeteria, dragging D.Va and McCree with them. Sombra was already up, but she had her purple jacket on inside-out and stared blankly at the walls. Jack sat down, "Hey Som." He said, taking some toast that was set out.

"Why do I feel like death." Sombra groaned.

"Because you lost your match yesterday." D.Va mumbled, his head resting lazily on Pharah's shoulder. "I lost mine too." She sighed, "I thought I wouldn't be able to move." McCree patted her head, "Just keep practicing and you'll get there." D.Va only grunted and closed her eyes. Jack jumped as someone slammed their hands down on the table, "You guy see the leaderboard?" It was Ice, she looked angry as all hell.

"No..." Pharah said, looking her up and down, "How did you?" Ice pointed toward a board on the wall, and there names were written. Jack and Pharah were in the top fifteen. "Wow...Not even the top ten." McCree whispered, looking at the two. McCree was up there in the top ten.

"Nice job." Pharah smiled, "Now just try to keep that score." McCree laughed sheepishly. Ice stalked away, grumbling about them being 'to optimistic.' Jack sighed, "Well, looks like we'll be getting stronger opponents." He said to Pharah, making her wince.

"Ugh, boring." She finished her breakfast, bumping D.Va so she woke back up. D.Va nodded at her ranking, not even a little surprised. "As long as I'm not red, it's chill." Suddenly she jolted, waving her hand in the air, as if shaking something off.

"What's up with you?" McCree asked, noticing her weird behaviour. "Those stupid simulations." She hissed, "I keep thinking bugs are crawling up my arm." Jack nodded, "So I guess that's one of your fears." D.Va suddenly turned around demon fast, "Did you know Reaper has only one fear!"

Sombra laughed, "He's probably afraid of something stupid like cats or heights." D.Va smirked, nodding. Suddenly, that's all Jack could think of. What was Reaper's fear? Maybe it was something like Som said. Something he could get rid of, or was it a trauma? Jack remembered hearing a lot of the new recruits were all scared of past trauma and little petty things. But what if it was something you couldn't get over? That was one of Jack's fears even if it didn't show up in the simulations. Something he couldn't overachieve and push forward. He sighed, rolling his shoulders.

"What's yours?" He asked McCree, making the cowboy look up in shock. "O-Oh. You know..." He coughed into his hand, suddenly a harsh blush crossed his face and a shit-eating grin spread across Sombra's face.

"You're scared of seeing that Shimada again huh?" Sombra hissed, making Jesse glared harshly at her, "Shut up!" He snarled, making Sombra laugh harder. D.Va cranked an eyebrow, sniffing out drama. "Who's Shimada?"

"Jesse's Candor boyfriend." Sombra smirked, making Jesse yell something in Spanish. Sombra laughed only more while Pharah and Jack watched in confusion. D.Va seemed to catch on and started to laugh, "Wait, you're afraid to see your boyfriend?"

"He's NOT my boyfriend!" He yelled, making the two girls cackle. "You guys sure like to draw attention." Jack said finally, cutting the three off sharply. Sombra and D.Va went into hissing whispers while Jesse glared harshly at the table.

Pharah chuckled, "Angela would like it here. I wonder how she's doing in Erudite." The idea made Jack wince. He has been trying to forget his sister ever since they walked into this building, but he knew Pharah thought of Angela every single day.

"She'd probably only like it here because of the people. Not so much the fighting." Pharah hummed, "She's not much of a fighter." She agreed.

Ethan called for attention, making the room fall dead silent. "Alright, new recruits. If you haven't seen the new ranks, there they are. You guys will now be challenging people who will actually give you a fight. Not so much fair, but fair enough." Ethan made it sound not very fair at all. Jack suddenly noticed that Ethan was looking at him.

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