Chapter Fifteen

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Ana Amari was a very scary woman. Jack always had a small fear of her, how she walked and talked, how her behavior was. It terrified Jack down to the bone whenever Pharah and he got in trouble with her, Ana's single golden eye glaring down at them felt like the seas of fire were about to come bearing down at them.

Jack loved her though, she was a blessing to everything and everyone, she helped Jack more than his mother ever did, Ana taught him more lessons than any other parent. Jack was forever in her debt.

Imagine all the relief Jack felt when it was just her.

Ana's face was covered by a mask, but she didn't bother to remove it. Jack recognized the gentle touch, how short she was. Jack pulled away from Reaper, looking around, his dad was nowhere in sight.

"Come on," Ana said, leading them toward a wall, before prying off the panel and slipping inside. Jack followed Reaper behind him. They walked toward a door, Ana slowly opening it.

Jason was inside, Ethan dead passed out in a corner. Jack saw that the room took some serious damage, bombshells laying everywhere. The computers were wrecked, and that all meant something good.

Jack walked toward the window, but he couldn't see Abnegation from here. "Where's my dad?" Jack asked, turning toward Ana.

"He went to get something." She shrugged, Ana had Jason coughing for air after kneeing him in the gut.

"So, let's start off with something." Ana pointed him toward his computer monitors, one remained that Jack missed. "If you deactivate everything than the Dauntless will stop killing people?"

"Yes." Jason spits at her, blood dripping down his mouth.

"Good, then deactivate it."

"And if you try anything funny we'll kill you." Reaper snarled. Ana pulled Jason to his feet, tugging him toward the monitor. Jason stood in front of it for a moment, looking down at the keypad.

He slowly typed in something. Jack watched as he slowly pulled away, "Did he do it?" Ana glared at him, waiting for an answer.

"I did something," Jason muttered.

Jack walked toward him, "What was-" Jack gasped when something smashed across his head, he crumpled to the ground, his body going numb momentarily.

"Gabriel what are you doing!" Ana yelled. Jack's vision swirled, going in and out. He was roughly rolled around, Jack crying out when Reaper's fist slammed into Jack's nose. He heard Ana grunt, sounding like she was currently fighting someone as well.

"Reaper! It's me, Jack!" He tried to kick Reaper off, but it didn't help that Reaper was much taller and stronger. Jack was able to get his knees on his waist before digging into his skin. Reaper winced, hesitating.

Jack used that to push Gabriel off and scramble to his feet. He tasted copper and felt his lip, it had blood pouring out of it. Jack started walking backward, Reaper slowly getting up and advancing toward him. "Reaper! Stop!"

He threw another punch, missing, but kicked Jack's knees out. He yelped when he fell, grabbing Reaper's arm so he wouldn't fall, but it dragged him down as well. They rolled on the ground for a moment, Jack refusing to hit Reaper.

"Reaper please!" He gasped when he kicked him in the stomach, he struggled to breathe, to see straight. Jack somehow caught Reaper's hands, stopping what would have been a deadly punch.

"Reaper please, it's me. It's me, Jack, please stop." He whispered it over and over, his eyes screwed shut and waiting for something. Anything.


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