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12: Falling In Love

Jungkook's POV

Everybody is now in the dining room. Its around 7 pm and everyone is just eating dinner. Which is Pizza!!!!

"Hmmm Whaaa Pizza!"

"Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!"

"I love you Pizza~"

"If Pizza is food I'll marry it"

"Kids... Please just eat the pizza"

I just laugh as the kids obeyed Jeonghan. I just eat my slice slowly to savor the flavors. Jimin is sitting across from me. He's just eating while talking to the kids. I smile. Whaaa he is sooo cute-- I think I'm in love. Wait what--

"Ugh" I said as I choked on my pizza.

"Jungkook hyung! Here!" Jimin said quickly as he gave me a glass of water. I took it and started drinking it. Once I was okay, I looked back at them. All of them are just looking at me. I blush a little.

"Uh-- Sorry about that" I said as I scratch the back of my neck. A regular habit of mines.

"Are you okay hyung?" Mingyu asked as I nod.

"Yeah I'm okay now, thanks" I said as I look at Jimin.

"Hahaha Jungkook hyung is funny! He choked because of pizza!" Hoshi said as I just shook my head and laugh.

"Yeah! That's what you get for eating pizza while looking at Jimin hyung!" Woozi said as I stop and look at him with wide eyes.

"Oh... That explains a lot" Jeonghan said as he smirks. I glare at Woozi and looked at Jimin. He is all red.

"When will you two get married though~" Seungkwan asked.

"We're not da--" Jimin said, but he was cutted off by DK.


"Me too!!"




I just turned red as they keep arguing. OMG WHY?!?! >////< I look at Jimin and his the same as me. As our eyes met, my heart started beating faster. I just look away as I blush more.

"Kids aish! Stop!!" Jeonghan said as they all stop.

"Sorry about the kids" Jeonghan said.

"Its fine" Jimin and I said the same time.

"Now since all of you are done, let's clean this table and after that go wash up okay?" Jeonghan said as the kids agreed and started working.

After some minutes, I'm in the balcony. I mean we just finished cleaning and now the kids are taking a shower. Well I guess they go on their schedule, I mean they are a lot after all. I sigh as the wind blew in my face.

I wonder what is happening on the castle. Will Jimin and I survive? Aish this is too much. I hope the Queen just stop this nonsense. I look at the moon who was just smiling back at me (The moon in Soul Eater xD). It was creepy.... I shrug as I look at the view in the balcony. Its soo beautiful.

"Jungkook hyung?" Someone said behind me. I look back and saw Jimin.

"H-Hey Jimin" I said and he went next to me.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked.

"Nothing just looking at the view" I said.

"Whaaa its so beautiful" Jimin said as he looks at where I was looking at before. I just look at Jimin. The way his eyes sparkle like stars in the galaxy. His nose is is perfectly carved on his face.

"Yeah, Beautiful" I mumbled.

"Oh look Jungkook hyung! A shooting star! Make a wish" He said as I look at the shooting star. A wish? I went behind Jimin and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"W-Whaa H-Hyung" He said. I just lean in more and put my head on his neck. I just humm and closed my eyes.

"I wish that we'll stay like this forever" I whispered as I felt him tense a little.

"Wh-What was that hyung?" He asked and I let go of him. Jimin faced me and I took a step closer. Now his stuck between me and the railings. I placed both of my hands on the railings beside him.

"J-Jungkook hyung" He said while blushing furiously. I smile and leaned in.

"You're beautiful just like the stars tonight" I said as I lean in more. I stop and my lips and his lips have an inch gap. I look into his eyes and I saw a reflection of myself filled with love and adoration.

"J-Jungkook hyung" He just said shyly. I wonder should I? Lean in? I look into his eyes again searching for any rejection. I saw none. Well here it goes. I slowly lean in and he did too.

"JIMIN!!!! HYUNG!!!! JUNGKOOK HYUNG!!!!" Someone said as we jumped and back away from each other. WHAT THE FU-- UGH We were sooo close!

"Were in the balcony!" Jimin said.

"Oh! Eomma need you Jimin hyung!" S.Coups said as I saw him on the doorway.

"Oh okay I'm coming" Jimin said as I move out of his way. Jimin started walking away from me with his cheeks all red. Aish, I was really close to heaven TT.TT

"Uh Jungkook hyung" Jimin said as I look at him. He quickly went to me and kissed my cheek.

"S-See you later" He said shyly as he quickly left. My eyes were just wide as I touch my cheek.

"Whaaaa his lips are so soft~" I said as I started jumping.

"OMG HE JUST DID THAT! WHAAA YESS!!" I said quietly!!! I stop jumping and looked at the stars.

"I guess I really fell"

♡♤♢♧ ♡♤♢♧ ♡♤♢♧ ♡♤♢♧

My soul isn't ready yet for their comeback 😂😭😍💖

But Min Yoonji though!!! He's  more beautiful than me 😭

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But Min Yoonji though!!! He's  more beautiful than me 😭

The Wolf And Red Riding Hood (JiKook)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant