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15: The Dark Village

Jungkook's POV

As Jimin and I got out of the tunnel, we felt the winter breeze hit us. Jimin shivered in cold as he pull his red hood more to himself.

"Are you cold Jungkook hyung?" Jimin asked as I shook my head.

"I'm good, come on let's find somewhere safe" I told him and he just nods.

We started walking hand in hand not wanting to let go of each other. The place is dark and gloomy, and its too quiet. I'm guessing its always like this here. As we pass by everything is just trees and an endless road, that leads to who knows where.

I sigh as I look around for people, but no one was there except for us. I felt Jimin squeeze my hands. I can feel his nervousness.

"Don't worry Jimin, I'm here and I won't let anyone hurt you" I told him as he just look down and his cheeks painted pink.

"Thanks Jungkook hyu--AHHHHH" Jimin screamed as he let go of my hand and hug me.

"W-Wha Jimin what is it?!" I asked as he just buried his head on my chest.

"D-Dog" Jimin said as he pointed at something. I look as I froze. There in front of us a big white dog looking at us.

"Stay calm Jimin" I said softly. Shit I don't know how to deal with this dog! I mean its sooo big! Like a size of a regular house!! Its just looking at us. I can distract it and let Jimin run, but that's too risky!

"COCO??! WHERE ARE YOU!!!" Someone yelled behind the dog. The dog barkes happily as it transform into a smaller version of it.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you-- Oh hey! Are you two okay??" A boy with a light brown hair said.

"Oh is this your dog?" I asked as the boy nodded and smiled at us.

"Yep! Coco didn't hurt you two right? I mean she's really playful at new people, I'm Youngjae by the way" The boy said as Jimin took a peek and let me go.

"Hey Youngjae-ssi I'm Jungkook and this is Jimin" I said as I introduced ourselves. Jimin waved a little.

"Cool! What brings you two here? We don't really get visitors here since you know its the Villain's area" Youngjae said.

"Oh well we we're planning on going to the other kingdom" I said to him.

"Oh!! That's kind of a long way! But you can crash into our house for the night! I mean you don't want to be caught here when the night comes" Youngjae said.

"Uh isn't already night?" I asked as I pointed the dark sky filled with stars.

"Nope! Not yet, you see the moon? Its still full, if it turn cresent and it have a face, then its really night" Youngjae said.

"Oh wow that's kind of cool" Jimin said.

"I know right! Well now come on, Coco lead the way!" Youngjae said as Coco barked and started running. We followed Coco through the road.

"So what story are you in Youngjae-ssi?" Jimin asked.

"You can just call me Youngjae and I'm actually one of the seven dwarfs" He said.

"Eh?! Then why are you here???" Jimin asked shockingly.

"Snow White kicked me and my friends out and she don't want us near her" Youngjae said as Jimin and I jaws dropped.

"Snow white??? Whoa that's some messed up story" I said as Jimin nods.

"Yeah it was, me and the other 5 dwarfs left her, and the evil Queen, I meant King, took us in here and actually cared for us" Youngjae said.

"Wait isn't 7 of you? Where's the other one?" Jimin asked.

"Snow white... killed him" Youngjae said sadly.

"Oh I'm sorry about that" Jimin said.

"Its fine it's all in the past now, and we can't change what's destined for us" Youngjae said as I nod.

"Well enough about me! How about you two?" He asked.

"Oh well I'm the Big bad Wolf and Jimin's Red riding hood" I said as Youngjae's eyes widened.

"OMG!! NO WAY!! Really?! Wow that is shocking! But why are you two here? I mean you need to finish the story" Youngjae said.

"We can't" I said as I intertwined my hand to Jimin's. Youngjae looked at our hands for a second and smiles.

"Ah true love is true in deed" Youngjae said as Jimin and I blushed. Coco stop and started barking happily again. I looked up and saw a big mansion!

"Whoa" Jimin and I said.

"Well welcome! To the Evil Queen, I meant King's Castle!!!" Youngjae said happily.

"Come on in~" Youngjae added as the gates opened.

"Well here goes nothing" I mumbled as we entered.

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I'm really excited about this for no apparent reason 😂😅

Anyways sorry for the late update 😭💖 and let's do our QOTD!!

QOTD: Who is your bias in Got7?

Mine is Youngjae oppa~ like how can you not resist that fluffball of sunshine 😍💖

Well that's all for today!! see you on the next update 😊💞💖 I love you all my mochis~

The Wolf And Red Riding Hood (JiKook)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant