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Ji Dwi's mouth dropped,

"Jun? That was Jun?"

"I'm surprised myself." Suji spoke, looking at the two papers in her hands. The male gave her the complete picture before he ran off.

"Wait, so you met two of your childhood friends in one day?" Sun Woo questioned.

"I suppose so."

"Wait. Wait. Wait." Soo Yeon started, waving her hands around,

"That was your best friend?! Your bestest friend Jun?! The one you told us about?! He's actually so hot!" Soo Yeon shouted,

"Bestest isn't a word." Soo Ho but in but Soo Yeon slapped him out of the way,

"I don't care. Honestly, why are you best friends with two good looking men?!" Soo Yeon questioned, referring to Ji Dwi and Junhui.

"I don't know..?"

"I'm jealous." Soo Yeon sighed disappointedly.

"You're jealous of everything." Soo Ho pointed out which made Soo Yeon glare at him.

"He's actually so good looking! Why is he so good looking?!" Ah Ro shouted into Suji's ear as she flinched,

"First of all, please shut up—"

"We're going to my house, now!" Soo Yeon declared, grabbing the two girls by the arm and dragging them off to the direction of her house.


The three girls decided to stay the night at Soo Yeon's house.

The three sat on the ground in a circle, surrounding the two papers that formed a fish.

"So it wasn't a threat like you predicted. It was actually your hot best friend coming back to see you." Ah Ro spoke, chuckling.

"What happened to him? Why did he leave?" Soo Yeon asked,

"Well, we were young when it happened but I think they had family problems and had to move back to China—"

"China? What?" Soo Yeon interrupted, her ears perking up suddenly,

"He's Chinese."

"No wonder he doesn't look Korean! That makes him even more hot!" Soo Yeon squealed as Ah Ro nodded in agreement but then asked,

"Why did they live here then?"

"His parents decided to move to Silla when his mother was carrying Jun."

"So like the story of the male and the pregnant female who was carrying a child—" Soo Yeon suddenly started, Suji smacking the girl on the head.


"Well, Jun is practically god, he basically glows with his looks." Ah Ro shrugged.

Suji rolled her eyes, "Anyway, I don't know the exact reason of why they left since I was so young but Jun will probably tell me."

"When is he coming back?" Ah Ro asked.

Suji shrugged, "I don't know, he told me he'll be back but I don't know when. I'm glad that he came back and is well and alive though."

Suji then began to fiddle around with the two papers, tracing the ink as the two girls exchanged secretive looks, smirking.

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