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The Hwarang men gathered in the training room, anticipating for their instructors to come soon. Suji's siblings, Soo Yeon and Ah Ro were also there.

Shortly, Master We Hwa, Jun, and Suji entered. Suji kept a straight face as she stood beside Jun.

"Good afternoon boys. Today, Suji will be answering your questions since last night's events has caused a ton of confusion." Master We Hwa announced.

Suji cleared her throat and glanced at the waiting males,

"As you have heard, Princess Sookmyung called me Jiho. The truth is, my actual name is Jiho."

The female received gasps and murmurs.

One Hwarang raised his hand, "Then what's with 'Suji'?"

"That was my fake name. I've been targeted at a young age and I still am so when I was born, I was known as Suji. Only my family members would call me by my real name when we were in private."

"Why Suji?" Another asked.

"It is because it has the same meaning as my real name." Suji shrugged.

"Wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence. Only differences is Suji means elegant and graceful while Jiho means brave and fierce." Master We Hwa chuckled, his hands folded behind his back.

Suji nodded, "Plus, Suji and Jiho." She shrugged as another questioned,

"Who knew your actual name before?"

"My family, the officials, Jun, Ji Dwi, Sun Woo, Ah Ro, and Soo Yeon."

The other males stayed quiet, trying to comprehend the given information until one snapped his fingers,

"What difference does it make though? Aren't you still being targeted?"

Suji chuckled, "My parents were extremely famous before I was born. Rumour went around that their first child was going to be named Jiho. Enemies think that the first child has went missing or went into hiding which is why they're going after the second child, which is 'me'. It also helps because they aren't that violent with the second child."

"But if they knew that Suji was the first child, they wouldn't have give her any mercy." Jun but in.

Suji nodded, "Meaning that instead of being here right now , I would be buried deep in the ground instead."

"So what do we call you now?"

"You may call me whatever is more comfortable. You may also call me Jiho but only in the Hwarang House."

The males nodded.

"When were you going to tell the world your actual name? You must've gotten used to Suji.." Yeo Wool trailed off,

Suji let out a little nod, "I suppose I am used to Suji but I was going to tell everyone later on."

"When is later on?"

"Perhaps a year or two?"


Suji shrugged, "A surprise, I guess."

The males stayed quiet.

"Now that you guys know, I have one more thing to say."

The males nodded as she suddenly turned serious,

"Whatever you all just heard right now cannot leave the Hwarang House. If I go out into the public and hear one peep about this, I will find out which one of you blurted it out and you would not want that. Do I make myself clear?" Suji threatened as the men gulped, nodding.

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