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A few months have passed and the Choi family have gotten used to living in their new environment. An accident had occurred where the Queen fell very ill. Suji decided to let her recover before confronting her so their little 'plan' of theirs had been postponed.

For now, they decided to enjoy life and live normally.

"You seem stressed, what's the matter?" Soo Yeon asked, her big eyes staring at Suji as Suji rubbed her temples with a loud sigh. Her, Soo Yeon, Soo, and Eunha decided to go and wander the busy streets, kill time as the boys trained in the Hwarang House.

"Jun's and Suji's anniversary is coming up in a week and Suji doesn't know what to do about it." Eunha snorted as she fanned herself with a fan.

"Anniversary? Haven't you guys been together for only a few months though?" Soo Yeon questioned.

Soo giggled. "This anniversary is way more important than their relationship date," She glanced at Suji who stared ahead blankly. "This is the anniversary of their first encounter."

Soo Yeon gasped loudly. "How is that possible? Weren't they too young to remember and keep track of the date they met?"

Soo nodded. "But when they first met, Jun's mother came looking for Jun and saw the two. Jun invited Suji to paint with him and his mom wrote down the date on the portrait."

"Oh my, Suji, what do you plan on giving Jun? Or what are you going to do for him?" Soo Yeon asked with excitement.

Suji groaned. "I don't know.. Should I get him an item or bring him somewhere?"

Eunha grinned. "You should just get him a gift, he should be the one taking you somewhere, he is the man in the relationship after all."

"Or is he?" Soo Yeon joked and Suji glanced over at her, making her smile sheepishly. "I was only kidding! It's just that you're so tough and skillful in fighting so–"

Suji playfully rolled her eyes and continued to walk.


"What's wrong with Jun?" Soo Ho whispered as he glanced over to the distracted male who continuously stirred his soup while his eyes was somewhere else.

The twins smirked at each other when they caught sight of Jun and snickered under their breaths. Inseong chuckled, glancing at the other males.

"Today is the anniversary of when Jun and Suji met. How? Jun's mother recorded the date. Why? I don't know." Inseong answered, taking a huge spoon bite out of his rice.

"She probably knew that you two were going to end up together in the future," Jihan snickered, teasing the stressed male.

"Why is he stressed then?" Hansung asked, a clueless expression on his face.

Sun Woo rubbed his face at the boy's innocence, muttering random words under his breath.

Yeo Wool chuckled and looked at Hansung, "Because, when it is the anniversary of something, you celebrate it. Jun is stressed because he doesn't know what to get or to do for Suji."

Hansung's mouth formed a small 'o', continuing with his eating.

"Are you planning to get her a gift?" Ji Dwi questioned, taking a glance at his best friend.

Jun nodded slowly, "I do have something in mind but I also want to do something for her.."

Ban Ryu glanced up from his tray, "How about a picnic? Since she loves to eat, and then you can take her to the small festival tonight and buy her mochi, and then watch the stars after." He suggested, trying to give the male ideas.

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