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"Uncle? What the—wait what?"

"Yeah, my uncle. My father's older brother. He wants—more like forces—me to call him 'Father' though." Jun shrugged as Jihan smirked,

"He thinks of Jun as his son because that's the closest thing he'll get to having a family."

"Exactly, who would want to be with a man who's greedy and evil?" Jihun continued.

Inseong raised an eyebrow, "You're okay with them disrespecting your uncle like that?"

"I don't like my uncle, neither do my parents. He's a disgrace to the Wen family. The only reason why I have to work under him is because he'll.." Jun clenched his jaw,

"He'll kill my parents if I go against him."

"Can't you just kill him right now?" Inseong questioned, making Suji slap him across the head for his stupidity,

"I would if I could but if I lay a finger on him, well, let's just put it this way, I'd be facing over 60 of his little friends."


Lunch came, Suji's favourite time of the day.

Two trays slid beside Ji Dwi's as Suji sat down beside him, Jun beside her.

"Hi everyone." Jun greeted as Hansung, who is sat across from him, grinned,


"Where'd you two go?" Ji Dwi questioned, smirking. Suji raised an eyebrow at him while Jun didn't notice,

"Had to bring the twins and Inseong home. Inseong was being stupid." Suji shrugged as she shoved a big spoon of rice into her mouth.

"So, who won the battle?" Yeo Wool asked, twirling his spoon around, glancing at the two.

"Since it was interrupted, we called it a tie. We ended up buying the favourite desserts for each other." Jun informed, taking a sip of his soup.

A guard suddenly came in and handed Suji a rolled up piece of paper. Suji shrugged when she noticed the confused expressions on her friends. She opened it and she clenched her jaw,

"What's it say?" Sun Woo questioned,

Suji cleared her throat, "I have to go. The Queen wants to see me."


Suji entered the Palace. She was shocked to see her siblings there.

Suji bowed, "Your Highness, you requested to see me?"

The Queen nodded, "How are you, Suji?"

"I am doing well. May I ask why my family is here? I thought you wanted a private conversation with me?"

The Queen glanced at the siblings who stood there in silence and back at Suji,

"Yes and that private conversation includes your entire family. Anyway, I know this is all of a sudden but," The Queen stared at Suji intensely,

"Did you receive anything from your parents?"

"Pardon me?"

"Did your father give you anything before his final breath? A special item?"

Suji quickly glanced at her siblings with the corner of her eye in alert, they responded with wide eyes.

fearless warrior ; hwarang [editing on hold]Where stories live. Discover now