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She stared at the dancing fire, the bright flames seemed to be mocking her. What was on fire was a large wooden coffin that held the body of Wen Junhui. The fire grew larger, now hugging the coffins of Jun's parents. A funeral for three. Her mind was completely blank and she felt nothing but a feeling of lost.

The sounds of quiet cries from the Hwarang group and the loud muffled sobs of Soo filled her ears. She could hear Tae Oh questioning as to why there was a fire and how it scared him; he was also confused, asking for the presence of Jun. Ji Dwi didn't hide the streaming tears that poured down his face like a waterfall. She would be crying too but she ran out of tears; her face was stained with dry and crusty tears.

Four days after the death of the Wen family the Queen decided to set the funeral for the morning of that day. Although people hadn't known Jun for long, they considered him a close friend and they already missed his company.

"Where's Junnie?" Tae Oh tugged on Suji's finger as she blinked slowly, looking down at him. His big eyes stared up at her with confusion. Suji gulped. Ban Ryu reached out to the little boy, knowing that Suji wasn't in the state to answer but she simply held up her hand. She crouched down and caressed the boy's cheek, sighing deeply.

"Junnie went back to China."

"China? When's he coming back?"

Suji smiled weakly. "I don't know."

"Does Junnie And Suji still love each other?"

Suji nodded with a sad smile but the boy didn't take notice of the emotion displayed in front of him. "Of course. Junnie may be away but he will still and always be in my heart."

Tae Oh smiled and nodded. "Of course!" He paused. "Why is there fire though?"

Suji glanced over at the burning flames. "To send Jun and his parents back to China safely."

"That's cool.." Tae Oh mumbled, staring at the flames with wide eyes. "If I go anywhere, will you guys send me away with a fire festival too?"

Suji chuckled dryly. "Sure but that'll be a long time from now."


The huge fire slowly disappeared, the rain had fought it away. Everyone had retreated as soon as it started to pour except one person; Suji.

She hadn't noticed how time flew by until she felt a large robe draped over her shoulders. She glanced over to see Ji Dwi and a small smile on his face. "You've been standing in the rain for over an hour, I think it's time for you to head back inside, you're soaking wet,"

Suji stared at him lifelessly. He stared back with furrowed eyebrows and eyes that held a strong emotion of concern. "Please Suji, you'll get sick if you continue to stand out here any longer,"

Instead of protesting, Suji simply nodded. "Thank you Ji Dwi."

He smiled and began to lead her back inside. "I had Ah Ro prepare a hot bath for you, I'll get you some nice hot soup when you're done."

Suji simply nodded again. Before they departed, Ji Dwi gave Suji a hug.

"Stay strong Suji. Jun will always be watching over you; you must not mourn over his death but continue to live your life for him."

She slowly hugged him back.

i just noticed that jun's parents were barely mentioned but there wasn't much scenes that needed them.

anywayssss, i'm pretty sure i wont be making drastic changes—only the beginning chapters—which means ill start with the second book right away. please stay in tuned for the preview of the second book!! (i'll try to edit as fast as possible)

i'll see you lovely people soon <3

[p.s. who do u want as suji's official lover in book two AND why? i keep asking but i can't choose since i love them all so much]


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