Suddenly Stopped.

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The tiny screen,
With msgs blank.
Began to be,
Overflowed with words.
One after another,
To give up now.
The sooner the better.
How could I not?
The many texting me,
Some didn't even know my name,
Or history.
How could I resist?
As my phone kept on buzzing.
My blood flow began rushing.
And soon came the tears,
Like a water fall down my face.
One after the next,
Like it was a race.
They soon stopped abruptly,
Disappearing in the mist.
But the texts did not,
Longer the time past,
The worst they got.
I tried to ignore them,
But most were right.
So I'll sit on this cold,
Bathroom floor.
Behind the locked door.
Letting the tears flow again.
Reading each threat,
Every single text.
Wondering if I should give up.
I was happy for a moment,
But that,

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