Do you care?

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At first I was fine,
And my love kept me smiling.
Then the meds wore off,
And everyone disappeared into mist.
Like I have some kind of sickness.

I'm frustrated I care.
I'm frustrated you're not here,
Holding me.
Telling me I'll be fine,
And tomorrow I'll be smiling like before.
When I see you.

Or maybe I won't smile,
I'll cry.
Maybe you won't want to see me,
And ignore my presence.

I'm afraid one day,
You'll say 'we're over'.
And I'll want to die,
I'll want to die like many times before.

I'm afraid,
No one will read this,
Or they will,
And not care.

I'm afraid one day,
I'll get sick and tired of everything,
And end it all.

I'm afraid you'll stop caring.
And I'll start crying.
I'm afraid love,
I'm afraid.

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