After Class

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Mr. Mathews - Okay class there's the bell. Remember to read chapter 4 of your history books. It's about the constitution, I'll be calling on names tomorrow. Ms. Mathews can I see you for a second.. alone.
The students leave the classroom. Maya touches Rileys hand as she walks out the door and smiles at the both of them
Mr. Mathews - How's Auggie doing?
Riley - He doesn't understand why. I mean none of us do but he's doing okay I guess.
Mr. Mathews - How's your mother?
Zays locker is located outside of Mr. Mathews classroom

Zay - Why is he asking about Topanga?

Riley - I don't know. I don't really want to talk about her feelings so I don't ask.
Mr. Mathews - Riley, honey, you have to understand..
gets cut off by Riley
Riley - Understand? Understand what? how two people, who have been with each other since they could walk, just magically don't want to be with each other?!
Mr. Mathews - You know this wasn't my decision. If it were up to me, I would do anything for your mother. But Riley, you have to understand, your mother gave up everything for me. I have to let her do this for herself.
Riley - I just. I don't get it dad. I miss you. I miss us being a family. It just doesn't feel complete without you home
Riley and Cory hug and tear up a little bit
Zay - Woah..

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