The birds are chirping.
Chirp chirp chirp.
Riley is awoken by a middle aged man.
He says,
Excuse me miss? Do you have identification on you?
She sits up and looks around, she fell asleep on a bench in the park. She quickly realizes that the man she was speaking to, was an officer.
Riley - What?
Officer Mcski - My name is Officer Mcski. Do you have identification with you?
Riley - Oh, um yes. I'm sorry, here you go.
Officer - Ms. Mathews, are you aware that you're a minor and you are sleeping outside on a park bench. Are you a runaway?
Riley - No officer. I'm sorry. I can explain this all, I really can.
Officer - You can explain while we walk over to your house.
She gets her stuff smiles at him and they walk together to Rileys house.
Riley - I'm not a run away, or I'm not trying to be one.
Riley - I was going to stay the night at my best friends house, Maya, and I was walking pass the park because that's the way to her house. I like to sit at that bench, it helps me think about stuff, it helps me figure things out. I honestly don't even remember falling asleep, I don't even know how I stayed asleep.
Officer - So you weren't running away from home?
Riley - Not really, well I mean I guess I was running away from home but only to Maya's.
Officer - Your Topangas kid aren't you?
Riley - How do you know my mom?
Officer - I see her around sometimes in court. She's a nice lady, she's always talking about you and your father and Auggie, even Maya.
Riley - Really?
Officer - Yeah. Hey listen I'm not going to mention this to your parents. But I do want you to be very careful around here at night. It's not safe sometimes.
Riley - Thank you Officer.
They smile at echo there and Officer Mcski leaves Riley at home. She walks in her bedroom to see Maya asleep in her bed. She decides to lay down next to her. She falls asleep cuddling next to her best friend, wishing she can say what's on her mind. She knows she can't, so she doesn't. She drifts off and falls asleep.
FanfictionPart 1 When you think of Riley Mathews you think of someone who has everything. What happens when an endgame couple isn't endgame after all? One thing changes your entire life, the way you think, what you do, how you react. Riley Mathews lost someth...