It's been a couple of hours. They all just needed some peace and quiet to rest and think.
Rileys been in her room for a while, or so her parents thought so.
Topanga- Riley? Honey can you
Topanga- Riley?
Topanga - Hey Cory, have you seen Riley?
Cory - She's not in her room?
Topanga - no
Topanga calls Riley she answers. They have a short conversation then hang up.
Cory - So?
Topanga - She went to the police. With Eric
They go to the police department, where they see Riley
Cory - Why are you here? I told you we will handle this
Riley - uncle Eric has more power dad. He can do something
Eric - and that I did!
It's the next day and Maya is at the bakery with Farkle, Smackle, and Zay
Riley - He's not coming.
Zay - I tried Riley.
Riley - It's okay
Maya - So what's the status?
Riley - Uncle Eric spoke with other Senators, Representatives, Head of everything basically, and they all agreed that he can't get away with this. So I gave my statement, since they never even talked to me, and they told me that we're not going to stop until he's behind bars
Farkle - That's great. But how are you feeling?
Riley - I'm trying. I'm trying to deal with it the best way I can
They continue to chat away, they have dinner, and after a while Smackle, Farkle, Zay, and Maya go home. Riley goes outside to clean up so she can close up and go home. She sees Lucas, sitting there, with his back faces towards her. She can tell he's been sitting here for a while. She walks up to him and sits down. It's silent for a while.
Riley - I'm sorry I didn't tell you
Lucas - I wish you would have.
Riley - Me too.
Lucas - you were in pain, and I didn't notice
Riley - I tried to hide it. I guess I hid it so well
Riley giggles, she sees that Lucas isn't in the mood for the humor
Lucas - One of the reasons why I couldn't talk to you was because I don't know what to say Riley. What do I say to someone that I love who's been rapped and beaten and is hurting?
Riley - If it's any consolation, I don't even know what to say to myself
It takes her minute to realize what Lucas just said to her. He's never said that.
Riley - I am hurting. It all started back in Texas.
Lucas - Everything was going good, then we just had to go to Texas
Riley - But at least something good came out of it
Lucas - I'm really sorry that this is happening to you Riley. If there was any way I could take this away, I would.
Riley - I know
Riley smiles at Lucas, he puts his hand out and she holds it. He helps her close he bakery, and of course, walks her home, all the way to her front door. Lucas gives Riley a kiss on the forehead and she goes inside. The rest of the night is rough for Riley. It's the first time that she's sleeping alone in her bed and she doesn't know how to react. When she's finally asleep, she is quickly awoken but a nightmare. A nightmare that was once reality. A nightmare that will continue to be a reality, because let's face it, she will never be able to recover from this.

FanfictionPart 1 When you think of Riley Mathews you think of someone who has everything. What happens when an endgame couple isn't endgame after all? One thing changes your entire life, the way you think, what you do, how you react. Riley Mathews lost someth...