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Running. I was running through the woods again. My vision was slightly blurred and I was on the verge of slamming into a tree or passing out anyway. My ears were picking up action far off behind me and I couldn't avoid the hunters...not again. I was running out of time...I can't run forever, especially with an arrow sticking out of my ribs. I made a few detours through the forested area, trying to shake off those stupid hunters. But, I failed once again. That was when I smelt the poison...they were readying arrows with poison on them...but those are illegal! 'Holy Shit...' I whimpered to myself. I wasn't going to get away...I was gonna die. No, that is not how I think...that is not me. That's IT! I ran faster than ever and tried shaking them off completely. But I'm not good at covering up my path so...I got a poison arrow in the neck. 'Shit, shit, shit.' I kept on running, even if I could only see blurry pictures of trees and other things I couldn't make out. Then I got to the fence... 'civilisation at last!' I thought, thank god. There was a small opening underneath the fence, I shuffled underneath it, the arrow implanted in my ribs snapping in half. I yelped as the shaft of the arrow grew deeper into my rib cage. My vision was going dark at the edges and soon I wouldn't be able to see at all, but I kept on going. I ran to the house that was so close to my reach and jumped so one of my forepaws touched the doorbell, stupid as it sounds, it may have saved my ass. A woman with white hair came to the door as the hunters retreated from the edge of the fence. I collapsed on the concrete ground, I could have died, I might still be dying, and I will die tonight, were my last thoughts before I passed out completely, the white haired woman walking closer towards me before my vision went black.

When I woke up, I was in what appeared to be a lab, in my human form. Fuck no...not again. Both of the arrows had been taken out of my body and there were gauzes on my skin. My wolf form made me run a lot faster, I should be more grateful that running saved my sorry ass. I started to get up but I realised, that the poison had taken its toll on me. I almost fell over from the dizziness. I heard a commotion coming from the nearest door, it was one of those automatic opening ones, except they were made of metal and not glass. "Hello?" My voice cracked from the dryness, how long had I been in wolf form? Four...Five days? I hadn't talked in a long while. The doors slid open as I placed my hand on it. 5 teenage kids, the white haired woman that saved me and a bald man in a wheel chair were revealed to me. My first instinct was to run, but my ribs and neck were killing me. Literally. "Wolf..." that word escaped one of the kid's mouths, I couldn't tell which though, because my vision was going blurry again. I didn't have enough energy in me to change form, I hit the floor, once again.

"Fuck my life." I mumbled as I sat up in the bed again. "Hey, lie down. You need rest." The woman with white hair come over to me and put one of her chocolate brown hands on my shoulder. "I don't even know who you are..." I inclined for an answer with a fierce tone, she wasn't really a target though. If I find someone as a threat...I'll either threaten them until they get scared and run off or...I kill them. It's not me, like the human me that does it, it's the wild animal mutant inside. "I'm a mutant...just like you." She put her hands up, palms facing me in a calming gesture. She had the tone of a teacher, someone who helps when people make mistakes. "What's your name?" I asked her, taking her advice and lying back down on the bed. "Storm." She said it with solemn meaning. "Let me can make the weather go nuts." A smile curled at my lips, threatening to show my irregular canine teeth. She nodded, a polite smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "My name is"- "Hazel." The guy in the wheel chair rolled up to the other side of the bed and looked level at me. "How can read minds can't you?" I gave up...what can I tell you? I run into other mutants every once in a while, they either use me or treat me like dirt. But these two seem different...but what about the other 5 kids I saw?

"The students saw Storm carry you into the school so they were curious." He read my mind again. I was trying to get used to talking again after a whole week of being in wolf form and this guy was taking the words right out of my mouth...well more like my mind. "They thought she had just brought an ordinary wolf into the school, not a mutant." He explained further. "What am I doing here? Are you trying to help me?" I asked, the bald man let me speak while Strom answered my question by offering me a glass of water. I tried to sit up once again only to be greeted by a surge of nausea. I snatched the water out of her hand before I could throw up and downed the whole thing in one. "Someone's thirsty." She pointed out. "I feel sick..." I tried to tell her but the blurriness came back to take away my vision. "Sleep, you will need it in order to get better." The man in the wheelchair ordered me as I hit the bed, exhausted.

I was in an actual bedroom the next time I woke up. I felt better, thank god. The winter sun was shining through a pair of curtains, making me want to run for cover. It was soo cold, I realised I had thrown the covers off in the night, must've turned into wolf form and back again while sleeping. "Stupid nightmares." I mumbled to myself, I'm 25 years old and those dreams, I still don't have control over, scare me. I noticed some clean clothes on the dresser next to the bed, I was still in my old clothes, which were bloody and stunk of pine needles and smoke...but mainly blood. I stood up so I could get changed, leaving my Indian warrior top and blue frayed jeans on the floor. Someone is cleaning my bloody clothes and it's not gonna be me...mainly because I don't know how to work a washing machine. Technology isn't my thing. I mean, I could hack into a computer, work a mobile phone, sure. But I don't like using it. My dreamcatcher necklace tickled as the feathers from it touched my was gonna be another weird day, not like I ever have a normal one. I walked past a mirror placed next to the door and saw my features for the first time in like...forever. I hadn't seen myself in an actual mirror since...I can't remember. I've always looked in rivers and stuff but I'm usually in my wolf form around those. My brown blondish hair was a wild mess; a leaf was actually tangled in it. I plucked it out before it could annoy me any further. My golden ember eyes stared back at me, my tan skin looked bruised and dirty. My reflection was telling me one thing for sure: I definitely need a shower, maybe even a bath.

I walked out of my room only to be greeted with a hot cup of coffee to the face. "OH FUCK!" I yelped in pain, my skin was burning and my teeth seemed to quiver in fear. I have never felt so much unexpected pain before. "Why don't you watch where the hell you are goin'?!" I shouted at the guy holding the now empty coffee cup. The guy was slightly taller than me, his black hair was spiked up like he had ears sprouting out of his head with the largest side-burns I have ever seen and his arms were bulging with veins and muscle. "Hey, I was just walking down the hallway, you came out of your room and it's my fault you get your face burned?!" he shouted at me, is he fucking serious? If he knew what I could do to him I'm pretty sure he would back off. "Uhm, you were the one with a hot beverage in your hand not looking where you were going?!" Young mutants were coming out of their rooms now, gaping at what I was doing. He was just a well-built guy, what could he do to someone who could scratch his eyes out? That was when long metal claws sprouted out of the guy's knuckles, he threw the coffee cup to the side. " wanna fight? Let's fight." I confirmed by changing into my wolf form and lunged at the guy's neck.

He had already thrown me off before I could make contact with his skin. He was staring at me awed with how I had just tried to kill him just because he spilt coffee on me, but still pretty mad, his face was red with rage. But believe me when I say this, I have had past experiences that come up with a very clear life lesson, Kill or be killed. I snarled at him, my lip curling back to reveal my extremely canine teeth. I circled around the guy as all the students started backing away from the fight, not wanting to come into contact with us. I lunged again, this time aiming for his leg, I bit him before he could react. Blood gushed out of the wound I had made. "AGH!" he cried out in pain. "HEY! STOP!" a man wearing a pair of red tinted sunglasses made his way out of the crowd of children, a red headed woman in tow behind him. "Logan?" The woman made her way over to 'Logan', blood stained his trouser leg, but when he pulled it up, he revealed that the wound was gone, confirming that he was alright. "See, I'm fine Jean." Jean turned back to me, her red hair cascading over her right shoulder in doing so. Sunglasses also turned to me crossing his arms in a disappointed manner. I can't believe I hadn't left a scratch on this guy, was he made of metal or something? "Okay...whoever it is you are nuts. A guy like you shouldn't be fighting guys like him this early in the morning." He pointed out. I changed back into my normal form only to shock him in finding that I was in fact, surprise, surprise, a woman.

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