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Save me. Save me. Save me. I'm naked and I'm far from home. - Queen

They'd lost. Again. Not that he wasn't used to it. He'd been playing seeker for going on six years now, and he'd rarely ever won a match against Gryffindor. Not with Harry Potter playing against him. For a muggle-raised wizard, he flew like he'd been born on a broom.

Draco Malfoy was heading for the locker room. The game had ended over two hours ago, but he hadn't felt up to being around his team mates after his defeat; he'd headed over to the lake to sit and ruminate, still in his Quidditch gear. He figured he was safe enough now to go back and change without seeing the condemning looks from his housemates. It wasn't his fault that Potter was a better player than him. He practiced, probably harder than Harry did, it just didn't make up for innate talent.

The locker room was dark; empty, just as he had suspected. Draco let out a sigh and made his way toward his locker. He stripped off his uniform and thought longingly about a hot shower, however, he knew that if he wanted to eat, he'd have to put it off until after dinner. He had just put his robes on over his pants and button-up shirt when he heard a soft whimper.

Cocking his head, he listened. When there was no further sound, he picked up his wand and walked slowly toward the back of the room. He muttered "lumos" quietly and then gasped in shock. Whatever he had expected to find, this surely was not it.

On the floor ahead of him lay a naked, bound, beaten and bloody Harry Potter. That was bad, but not the worst of it. If it were only the fact that he had been beaten, Draco would have scoffed at him. The naked bit was a little harder to ignore, but it had its places if it were being used to humiliate. Seeing Harry Potter's prized Firebolt protruding from his own backside was enough to make even Draco Malfoy turn away in disgust. He almost retched at the sight.

Knowing that it was his housemates that had done this, Draco steeled his resolve and walked over to the prone and pretty-much unconscious boy. He knelt down, muttered a stunning spell to spare Potter any further pain and slowly removed the broomstick from his orifice. Utterly disgusted, Draco removed his robes and, after untying Harry, wrapped them around the naked boy and scooped him into his arms.

Not knowing why exactly he was doing this - helping the Gryffindor Golden Boy - he carefully made his way back to the castle and slipped inside using a hidden entrance that went straight to the dungeons. He put Harry in his bed, secured the curtains with a locking charm so he wouldn't be disturbed should anyone come up to the room, and then went in search of his Head of House.

Since it was dinner time, Draco knew that Professor Snape would be in the Great Hall, but he also knew that there was no way he could just burst in there and draw the man out without causing suspicion. That in mind, he made his way up to the owlery and sent a message to Snape to meet him in the dungeons immediately, that it was a matter of urgency and discretion. As soon as his eagle owl took off, Draco ran back down the stairs to the Slytherin Dungeon to check on Potter and await Professor Snape.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long.

"Mr. Malfoy. This had better be important; I do not appreciate being summoned like a common house elf." Snape sneered, a look of fire in his eyes.

"I assure you, Professor, that it is." Draco replied. "It's Potter."

"What has that reckless boy done now? And what has it to do with me?"

"He's in my room, Sir." Draco started to answer when he was cut off by the sound of Snape's hands coming together in a loud clap.

"Yesssss! I shall have him now. He'll see detention for the rest of the year for this." Snape smiled, a sight most unbecoming of him, and Draco swallowed in fear.

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