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[Minji's pov]
"Ma'am, we called your emergency contact and he said he'll be here soon. He asked us to hold you until he gets here."

Emergency contact? Damnit. Who was my emergency contact? Oh no, what if it was Jungkook?!

"I'm sorry Jen, I'm not thinking straight, I can't recall who my emergency contact is?" I raise my tone at the end of my sentence, hinting her to enlighten me.

She gives me a sweet smile. She's so nice, I'm glad she's my nurse.

"That's okay~ your emergency contact is your brother, Jimin Park."

I smile softly at his name, as I haven't heard it in so long, and I also find it funny that she said the order of his name wrong.

"Oh, that's right. Thank you, sweetheart." It's weird not being able to use my native language here in California, and it's also weird not being called "Unnie" by anyone. But these are small prices to pay.

She nods, says a quick "you're welcome, ma'am!" And walks out of the room after asking if I need anything else, and me giving her a "no thank you".

I release a breath of air, thankful that one; my emergency contact is Jimin, and not Kookie. And two; that I'll be seeing Jimin in a little bit! Jimin! I've missed him so much. I can't wait.


I hear a soft knock at the door that wakes me from my almost peaceful sleep.

"Please come in~" I call out to whoever may be behind the door.

The boy opens the door, and reveals his face with an almost fake smile plastered on it.


I call out.

He walks over to me and sits down

"Hey Min! How do you feel?"

I see him holding back tears. What's wrong with him?

"Oh, never mind that, how are you? How's everything going in Korea?"

I see his smile drop. Oh no.

His eyes threaten to drop tears, and soon, his first tear drops from his eye to his hand which is resting on his lap.

"I didn't want to cry, but I missed you so much, Minji. It's been so hard without you, you have no idea what's been going on. It's been horrible! I wish I could come and cry to you, and complain, and scream and curse, and be angry with you. You would always make it better. I miss you so much."

He starts crying tear after tear as he lifts his head up to reveal his bloodshot eyes.

"Come sit, I'm here now." I tap the bed next to me.

"No! We can't do this now, you've just given birth! You're tired, I can tell!"

He busts up from his chair and stands there by my side, but not close enough. I can't reach his hand.

"Hey, hey! I'm fine, I just took a nap. I want you to speak with me."

I give him a smile and tap on the bed again. This time, he does as he's told, and sits where I've asked.

"Okay, good! Now tell me, how are you? How are you really?"

He glances at me, and releases everything; he tells me about Jungkook, and about being depressed, and about feeling like Jungkook is lost, which makes him feel lost.

Eventually he runs out of breath, and gets tired of speaking. Crying as hard as he is, it must be exhausting. Poor thing, he's had a hard year.

He really needed me, and I left him. I seem to be doing that a lot..

"You've had a hard time. I'm sorry. It will be over soon, I promise." I take a deep breath in and out, "now, will you please sing for me? It would help me sleep."

He's does as I ask, and starts singing in his sweet, high pitched voice. It's nice to hear music in my native language in person again, and the best part is the person singing it.

His sweet voice lets me fall into a well needed peaceful sleep. For the first time since I left Korea, I felt like I was floating in my dreams. I didn't realize how much I had missed this feeling until now.


Yaaaaaaaay a short chapter!!!! Sorry guys I know it's short ;-;

I was going through my past chapters and I saw that I said I would try to stop being so negative, and I totally forgot about saying that, but I'm gonna do it from here on out.

Also; i don't know if I ever told y'all, but I have a second book published and I would love for you guys to read it :) it's called "homophobic", and it's a jikook story. It's on my profile, thanks guys


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Mmmkay byeeeeeeeeothei&4848/

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