Chapter 42

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"We have plenty of girls auditioning for Sandy, but we're gonna have a serious Danny Zuko problem if Blaine can't do it." Finn says.

"Wait, what happen with Blaine? He is like the masterpiece of musical theater." I frown while arranging the script in choir room.

"Remember that I told you they broke up? Blaine doesnt wanna play the romance play." Finn says to me.

"What are the other options? How about Sam?" Mike asks.

"He's got his heart set on Kenickie." Finn answer.

"Joe hart?" Mercedes asks.

"Won't cut his dreads." Artie simply answer.

"Wait, what about puck's brother? Can't he sing?" Mike asks.

"Not interested." Finn simply said.

"Okay it seems like you run to play Danny Zuko but we have to clear the kisses scene between Danny and Sandy because I dont want to see my boyfriend kiss another girl." I said to Finn.

"That's terrible idea." Mercedes shakes her head.

"Why is it that we can't find one dude to play the lead in the school play?" Finn sighs.

"Well, there aren't a lot of dudes like you.
Even Mr. Schue had that problem when he first started Glee Club." Mercedes says to Finn.

"That's why he went looking for you." Mike says to him.

Finn just being quiet and seems like he'd been thinking about something. I turn my face back to these paper script for the school play.

"Maybe I could find another guy like me in football team. I gotta to talk to coach Beiste and looking for that guy." Finn says to us.

"Finn, are you serious?" I frown.

"I'm totally serious. Director usually looking for the best cast until they find the right one, right? And this is what I'm doing now." Finn says to me.

"Alright, we will divided team. Madison, you control the script and those music sheet and properties. I'm looking for Tina and start thinking about the costume play. Boys, find the great cast for our musical drama!" Mercedes grins at us.

"That's great." I nodded and smile at her.

"Alright, I'm gonna go to the football field now." Finn says and left a quick kiss on my lips and walk off.

"I'm gonna check out the juke box. They already arrived here." Artie wheel away.

"I'm going with Artie." Mike says and walk off.

"I'm gonna find Tina since she doesnt wanna be in the same room with Mike." Mercedes chuckles and walk off.

"Well, I'm staying here and fixing these script." I mumbled.

Directing is become one of the thing I love to do now. Besides I'm majoring Film and Theater Director in college so I learn about directing. And like what my dad said, there is nothing happier than doing the job that you love.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"

I turn my face to the door. Kenisha is smiling nervously at me and walk into the choir room.

"I guess there is nothing to talk about." I simply said and turn my face back to my script.

"Look, Madison. I know you surprised when you saw me here. But please just sit down with me and talk to each other." She said to me and walk to those seat and sit down on one of them.

I just being quiet and let out a sigh then sit down two seat away from her. "What is the thing you wanna talk to me?"

"I know you havent fully forgive mom yet because I know she doesnt wanna tell you the real story and afraid you'll get hurt. You're my sister. We're family and I dont want things become worse like this." She says.

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