Chapter 72

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I open my eyes slowly as I feel the sun bright my room. I turn my face to the place next to me and Finn is already gone. I turn my face to the clock and it's already 8am. Oh my God! I havent make breakfast for my children.

I stand up from my bed and take my robe. "Finn?" I open the bathroom door and he is not there. I went out from my bedroom quickly and look around. "Guys? Chandler? Ross? Joey? You guys already awake?" I called them and walk downstairs in hurry.

"Good morning, mom." Joey grins at me.

I exhale as I see the kids are having breakfast along with Finn who already wearing his suit and ready to go to work.

"Good morning, I'm sorry. I woke up late." I said to them.

"It's okay, I already made them breakfast." Finn says to me and give me a quick kiss on my lips.

"You didnt wake me up." I said to him.

"I dont want to. You stayed up all night finishing your works and you must be tired." Finn says to me.

"Alright, kids, you guys go to school with your dad okay. I will pick up you guys this noon." I said to the kids and drink a glass of orange juice.

"Mom, it's summer. No school." Ross says to me.

"Oh gosh, I completely lost of track. I'm sorry, guys." I exhale.

It's summer already and it's June already and Father's day is coming over in a week. I cant wait for that and even though I'll be screw up on that day but I dont care. Finn was there on mother's day and told kids about those gift and I guess I'll do the same thing like what I did.

"You okay? You look bit pale." Finn frowns at me.

"Just got little bit headache. I'm so tired. I mean, I work at home and you went out every day but how could I become more tired than you?" I said to Finn.

"You want me to stay home for today?" Finn raises his eyebrows at me.

"No, you can go to work. I'm fine." I shake my head.

"Alright, I might be late. Guys, take care of your mom. I wont be home late tonight so help her okay." Finn hi-five with the kids then give me a quick kiss on my lips then take his bag.

"Drive carefully, dad." Chandler shouts as Finn went out from our house.

"What did your dad made for your breakfast?" I ask them.

"Oatmeal but too sweet." Ross says to me.

"Alright, you guys better get ready because we will go to funny summer after this." I said to them.

"We can go tomorrow, mom." Joey shakes his head.

"Why?" I raise my eyebrows.

"You're sick and we cant leave you alone at home." Joey says to me.

"Yeah, you better take a rest and we will clean up these things." Chandler nodded as agree.

"Guys, I'm fine." I said to them.

"Mom, you can go back to your room and take a rest. You have three little soldiers here." Ross says to me.

"Please?" They begged at me.

"Alright, alright. I will sleep for one or two hours but wake me up after that okay." I said to them.

"Just go upstairs, mom!" Joey groans.

"Okay, Joseph." I roll my eyes and walk upstairs. "Guys, if you need anything just call me okay."

"Yes, mom!" They shouts.

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