||Chapter 7 - The Trials Part 2||

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Pic above is of Alea! -Golden

Himoko's POV

I watched Pappy stare Aang down menacingly, a wicked grin plastered on his face

"You thought I was a frail old man, but I'm the most powerful earthbender you'll ever see!"

"Can I fight the guy with the axe instead?" Aang asked him, pointing at the Axe man

"There are no 'take-back-sees' in my kingdom. You might need this!" Pappy motioned to a guard beside me who threw a staff down to Aang, Aang catching it just as Pappy sent him a series of large boulders towards Him. Aang dodged them gracefully as if he was flying through the air

"Typical airbender tactic: Avoid and Evade. I'd hoped the Avatar would be less predictable." He launched another boulder towards him, Aang launching himself into the air to avoid it. I bit my bottom lip nervously, holding tightly onto the railing

"Don't you have any surprises for me? Sooner or later, you'll have to strike back." The King launches another stone at Aang which misses, but explodes upon impacting the ceiling of the arena. The debris knocks Aang to the ground and he loses his staff as he falls. Aang gets back up as Pappy begins walking around. With each turn he makes a huge pillar of rock to block Aang's path. One of them catches Aang in the gut as it rises into the air. I winced as Aang threw the air, clenching his jaw slightly in pain from the force

"That's gotta hurt..." Karlie muttered from beside me as she tapped on the railing, studying Aang's every move

"Oh, you'll have to be a little more creative than that!" Aang jumps off the pillar, landing on what looked to be a ball of air. He rides the wall of the arena and approaches Pappy from his right. He launches a huge gale at Pappy who blocks it with a sheet of stone raised from the floor of the arena.

Pappy looked over the corner of the sheet of earth, a smile on his face.

"Did someone leave the windows open? It feels a little drafty in here!" He teased him before dropping his smile, "Are you hoping I'll catch a cold?" Aang jumped off of his airball while Pappy kicks over the stone sheet and begins to raise it on earth dug out of the arena's surface. He shoots the earth underneath the stone sheet at Aang which knocks him over. The King strikes the ground with his fist, sending a shock wave through the arena surface directly at Aang. The 12 year old flips back to avoid the shockwave, only he was near the arena's wall

"How are you going to going to get me from way over there?" Pappy questioned with a smirk

A flash of determination went through Aang's eyes, sending off an familiarity towards me. He ran towards Pappy vastly. Pappy uses the side of his foot to dash the earth. The ground around Aang becomes quicksand and quickly falls in. Pappy raises two boulders and sends them to smash the struggling Avatar. He escapes just in time as the rocks smash together where he used to be at. Aang jumps straight at his opponent, unleashing a blast of wind that knocks him and the stone sheet he stands upon back against the wall of the arena. Pappy raises one of the boulders from where he had just failed to crush Aang and pulled it back towards him at frightening speed. The Avatar sees it just in time and does a backflip that barely allows him to get up and over the flying boulder. The boulder of course moves on to almost crush the King of Omashu, but he breaks it into many pieces as it reaches him

"Woah, they are really going at it." I stated to no one particular, my eyes fixated on the two's action packed duel

"This is what your airbending may look like one day with more practice and precision." Karlie whispered to me triumphantly, in awe of Aang's capabilities

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