Update A/N

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This is a important A/N to address that this month's chapter may actually be finished and posted in March instead of February due to my own life and how long the transcript is.

Alone, the transcript is from 1,500-1,600 words, so it's alot to write and work with, even slows down my computer when trying to write the chapter on either platforms like Quotev and WattPad.

My personal life this past month has also been hindering when I can write. Having to go offline a few days when I'm having an episode and just can't deal with it and don't want to hinder my friend's lives with my problems. I don't mind you guys asking for updates, just always do it kindly and generously.

What can perhaps lighten the workload is taking away the rest of the transcript for 'The Deserter' from last chapter. Nobody gave me an answer when I really needed one if whether or not I should write the rest of it. It's nobody's fault persay, but I also don't want comments saying, "I don't care, do what you want to do.". That's not a definite answer, I need an actual answer so I can add up the votes and decide what to do from there. So far I have only written from the transcript of the next episode, I haven't done any word on the previous transcript so if I'm told no, don't do it. I don't want to have to delete it all and throw it away.

That's all, thank you so much for reading and please comment your thoughts! -Golden

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