Chapter 5

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"Oh, Maggie." I said as I finally tracked her down, after a day of searching for her. "Yea, what's up?" She seemed worried, but then she changed back to having a small smile on her face. "You wouldn't happen to have some spare clothes?" As soon as I said it she grabbed my hand and lead me towards the house.

We walked into what I presume was her room and she rummaging through a dresser. "How bout these?" She said handing me a dark blue button up shirt and blue skinny jeans that were ripped. "Thanks." As we headed downstairs, we heard Daryl grumbling in the living room.

"For someone as manly as Daryl, he sure does whines a lot." She said and we chuckled, Daryl came up to the doorway and narrowed his eyes at us. "What y'all laughing bout?" He hissed, but smiles were still plastered on our faces. "Shouldn't you be resting, Dixon." He watched us and then walked back into the living room, saying something about women being the death of him.

"Thanks again, Maggie." I said and went into the bathroom. I stripped and climbed into the shower, the cold water refreshing as it ran over my skin. The knob squeaked as I turned the shower off and climbed out, drying myself off, and putting on the clean clothes. I slipped my black boots back on and tied them tight against my ankle. As I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw Daryl leaning against the doorway of the living room again.

"Are you trying to pull out your stitches?" I asked and he rolled his eyes, but stayed there. I walked over to him and crossed my arms over my chest. "Ain't afraid of no woman." He said as our eyes locked. Standing up in front of Daryl, I could see that he was a few inches taller than me, but not by much. "Who said you were?" I smirked and he scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm sorry to breakup, whatever the hell this is, but we're heading out to search for Sophia, you in?" Shane said from behind me, and I turned and nodded to him. I watched him look from me to Daryl and then leave. I turned back towards Daryl, who was scowling at the front door. "Can you at least go sit down?" I asked and he looked back down at me.

Finally, he groaned and made his way to the couch, sitting down. I smirked and he rolled his eyes when he saw my smirk. "Bossy bitch." I frowned and saw his face light up, I shot him my middle finger and he did it back. "Hillbilly hoe." I mumbled and heard him give a small laugh.

I spotted Rick, Glenn, and Shane standing by two of the cars. "Finally, let's go." Shane grumbled. I ended up riding with him while Glenn rode with Rick. As we drove, we were silent and I saw him glance at me a couple of times. "How bout you keep your eyes on the road." He scoffed as I continued to look out the window. "How bout you get the hell on. Your just a pain in the ass the longer you stay around." I looked over at him and saw the sly smirk on his face . "Well, since you asked so nicely,.....I still don't care."

When we reached the area we were going to search, we climbed out and Rick went one way while we went the other way. Shane took watch as I walked around in the dense forest, looking for Sophia, a girl I had recently been told about. It just doesn't seem right not to search for her.

"Sophia!" I shouted and looked around for something, a walker started walking towards me and I pulled my knife out and went close to it about to stab it.

A shot rang out.

I clutched my cheek and snapped my head towards Shane, he had fired the sniper rifle he brought and the bullet grazed my cheek. Blood ran down my cheek, and I moved my hand from my cheek as Glenn and Rick ran up. "What happened?" Before I could speak, Shane spoke up. "She got in the way of my shot, right?" I looked at Glenn and shook my head "yes". He looked me confused and then back at Shane and then to me, finally catching on.

"How bout we switch, me and Scarlett can cover a lot of ground faster." Glenn said and Rick nodded, and walked away with Shane right behind him. "Are you ok?" I gave him a "What do you think" look and we started to head deeper into the forest area. My cheek burned and I could still feel some blood running down my face.

When we couldn't find anything we headed back to the cars and saw Rick and Shane coming back also. Me and Glenn rode together while Rick rode with Shane, Glenn glanced my way every so often, but stopped when I shot him a glare. I touched my cheek and winced at the pain.

We pulled up to the farm, people came out and looked curiously at us. Maggie walked over and immediately noticed the mark. "What happened?" She asked, but I walked past her. "She got in the way that's what happened." Shane said and I stopped in my tracks, a small laugh escaped from my mouth. "Oh yea, that's totally what happened. It definitely wasn't the fact that you aimed for my goddamn head." I snapped, my blood was boiling, Shane scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "You were gonna get yourself killed, I saved your ass." I chuckled and stuffed my hands in my pockets. "You mean you tried to kill my ass, you may have these people fooled, but I see right through you." He walked forward, but I remained where I was. "You've lost your head, lady, I helped you and now you say I tried to kill you. These people are my family, I have nothing to hide, but you, you're the one that has them fooled. We don't even know who the hell you are." Heads turned towards me and some whispered, Maggie and Glenn looked from me to Shane. "Shane has nothing to hide, but hell we don't know anything about Scarlett." Andrea spoke up and stood close to Shane. I could see hints of fear in their eyes, fear of the unknown, fear of me. "Fine, have it your way, but let's just say I know corruption when I see it, and you wanna know about me, ask!" I hissed and walked towards the house. Daryl was standing on the porch and watched me as I passed him.

When I got inside I grabbed my bag and bow, slinging it onto my back. I went inside the bathroom and used a towel to wipe the blood from my cheek. Moments later I was walking out of the house, people watching as I wandered off into the woods. I needed a distraction, something to let my anger out on.

A walker slowly made its way toward me and I used my knife to stab it clean in the head. When it fell to the ground, I used my boot to repeatedly stomp on its head until I was satisfied with it. I decided that I was going to spend the night in the trees and found one that was the perfect height. I climbed up and positioned myself, so I couldn't be reached.

I ate the other half of my bar and rested my head against the tree. I listened around to see if anything was near, but there was only dead silence. I slowly let sleep overcome me and I drifted off.

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