Chapter 27

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Third person:
Chaos was happening at the prison, since the Governor and his buddies decided to show up. Rick, Michonne, and some of the others were fighting off the goons. Suddenly, a bus rammed into the front gate, breaking it down and coming to a halt in the courtyard.

Scarlett's view:

My eyes shot open and I slowly sat up, hearing the gunfire. Every inch of me stung and ached, and I felt lightheaded along with my vision slowly coming back to me. I carefully limped from the room I was in and made my way to the bottom floor. Carol spotted me and quickly ran over. "What the hell are you doing up?" She hissed. "What are you doing alive?" I asked curiously. She chuckled and then tells me to duck. "What's going on?" I asked and she looked to the courtyard, then to me. "The Governor is here." Anger boils through me at those words and I see the pistol on her belt. "Mind if I?" She frowns at me, but then reluctantly hands over the gun. I cock it and stand up, then limp to the doorway. Walkers are all I can see and I slowly move outside, staying out of sight. I fired at the walkers trying to get to the group and ignoring the pain shooting through my arm. I cock the gun and aim again, but an arrow hits the walker in the head. I fire at the walker behind it and then turn to see Daryl and....Merle. I limp forward and fire at a walker and then turn to fire at another one. Merle runs up to a walker and stabbed his blade through its head. I hear a car start up and drive away, then everyone turned their focus to the walkers. I shot a walker and then pressed my back to the wall. My heart was beating out of my chest, my breathing heavy. "Scar!!" I turned to see Beth running towards me. This was a really, really bad idea. All I can see is darkness, and Maggie and her trying to talk to me.

I jolted awake and immediately regretted it. I clutched my stomach as Beth came rushing in. "I swear, you are the worse patient ever." She said and grabbed a needle. "Woah, woah, chill alright, I'm fine." She raised an eyebrow, then set down the needle. She left and then came back with a small mirror, handing it to me. I had a pinkish cut over my left eye and my eye was a slightly lighter shade of green. "Can you see?" She asked and lifted up the tank top I was wearing to show me my stomach. My stomach and sides were bruised, and there were stitches on a blade shaped cut. "Yea, but damn." She looked back up at me.

"You're lucky to be alive. Now come on, stand up and I'll wrap it." I followed her direction and slowly got up, I stumbled and she carefully caught me. I lifted up the tank top as she wrapped the gauze carefully around my abdomen. "Thanks." I said when she was done and lowered the top. She nodded and then carefully lead me from the room. "Be careful on that leg and no leaving until your better." I looked at her, finally remembering something. "When can I leave?" She looked at me curiously. "Why?" I sighed. "I have somewhere I need to visit, when can I leave?" She scoffed and glared at me. "Maybe a week, where do you need to go that's so important?" I looked away from her and limped into the main area of the cell block. "Personal stuff." I said and she muttered something I didn't hear. "Well look who's up and around." My head snapped towards the familiar voice and I slowly walked over to the cell.

Merle was behind bars, his hand and blade hanging through them. "Well if it ain't the bastard himself." I walked up and he straightened up, eyeing me up and down. "Hello there, Gorgeous." I frowned at him and raised an eyebrow. "You wanna keep your other hand, princess?" I cooed and he frowned. "I like ya scar, sweetheart." He chuckled and I lunged for the bar, my face separated from his by the bars. "I hate you." I spat and saw him give a small smile. "Scar, he's not worth it." Beth said, trying to reason with me. I kept my eyes on Merle, ignoring her. "Your just lucky, he didn't knock ya up, Gorgeous." I gritted my teeth. "Wouldn't have mattered." I backed away from the bars as he looked at me confused. I walked away, Beth following me, and held my stomach as pain held a tight grip on me. "You're defective." I stopped in my tracks at the word. "Scar." Beth said sweetly. I gave a small huff and looked down at my feet. "What the hell did you just say?" I almost shouted. "You're defective, faulty, a dud!" He shouted back and my lip trembled. "Scar, no." My blood was hot and my temper was through the roof.

I snapped.

"You don't have a—." Before he could finish the sentence, I had him pinned to the wall. The knife that I had just used to pick the lock now to his throat. "Say it. Go ahead say again, I dare you." I hissed. "Scar!" I shot a glance at Beth and she immediately shut up. He watched me carefully and turned his head as people started walking up. "Beth, what happened?" I heard Carol ask. "Scarlett, please honey, come on. He's not worth this." I didn't look at them, I kept my focus on Merle. "19 years, those words tortured me, every scar tore into me, and every death ripped me to shreds, and I'll be damn if I let a person like you drag me down that road again. So I dare you, to say those heartless words again, so I can rip your fucking tongue out." I hissed. His eyes flicked across mine and I heard fast footsteps. "What the hell?" I turned to see Rick and he moved towards me, but Carol stopped him. "Don't." She said and blocked him off, Daryl showing up behind him, causing Beth to move to block Rick and Carol to move to Daryl.

I watched him as he didn't say a thing or move. He could have easily stabbed me with the blade on his arm, but he didn't. "You think that all of this is hell, that this is going to be the death of you. I died 19 years ago and this is the most normal shit I've probably been through my entire life." I hissed and stepped back, the knife falling to my side. "Don't ever say those words to me again or you'll lose your damn tongue." I hissed and walked out of the cell, each one of them watching me. I dropped the knife and walked away towards my cell. Suddenly, Beth was in front of me with one of her arms outstretched and on my shoulder. "Scarlett, talk to us, please." I could feel my eyes burning and I pushed her hand away, and walked to my cell.

I was in the corner of my bunk, my knees pulled up to my chest as tears softly rolled down my face. I could feel every scar digging and scratching at my back, chest, legs, and arms. I could see everyone of their faces, smiling and then fading in front my face. 19 years of pain, of suffering, of scarring, of nightmares, of killing, of torture, of anger, of death, and of hell. The cell was cold, but I didn't mind, I didn't care. Carol passed by, but didn't dare to enter and quickly rushed off.

I soon laid down, my head facing the cell opening and my feet facing the wall. I just laid there and traced the "governor" scar that was imprinted on my skin. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Daryl leaning against doorway. "What do you want?" I tried to manage, but my voice broke. He set his bag and crossbow near the door and walked over to the bunk. He looked down at me and held out his hand. I didn't know what to do, so I sat up and slowly reached out, placing my small hand into his huge one. He helped me out of the bunk and then pulled me close, his grip around me gentle. My hands laid on his chest softly resting there, tears running down my cheeks. His warmth surrounded me and I ran one of my hands up his torso, to his shoulder. My grip was loose and I felt his head against the side of mind, his breath running down my back. "I'm sorry for going after Merle." I whispered softly. "Shut up, Scar, it don't matter." He said in his throaty voice and I gave a low chuckle. "Thank you." I said softly and felt him pull back. Our eyes met, mine cloudy while his were a bright, blue. He leaned forwards some, waiting for me to push him away, but when I didn't he placed a small kiss on my forehead.

He moved to my bunk and laid down, his hands underneath his head. I chuckled and sat on the edge of the bunk, watching him curiously. He opened one eye and looked at me. "What ya staring at, woman?" I raised an eyebrow. "A very dirty man in my bunk." I smiled and he rolled his eyes with a sense of playfulness. I moved next to him slowly, seeing if he would move, but he stayed put. He slowly and carefully moved his hand to my waist, I looked up at him as he looked down at me. "You're not a bad guy, Dixon, people just don't understand." I said softly and placed my head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. "Your not that bad yourself, Scar." He mumbled. I smiled and carefully placed my hand on his chest. "Daryl?" I whispered. "Hmm?" He mumbled. "I've missed you." My eyes slowly started to close, sleep wanting to consume me. I felt him placed a small kiss on the top of my head and rub small, soft circles on my waist. "Get some sleep, woman." He mumbled and I chuckled, my eyes closing and allowing sleep.

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