Chapter 47

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I grimaced as Maggie sunk her hand into the walker's stomach, red staining it completely. "That's horrific," I muttered as I holstered the knife I used to bring the thing down. Maggie sent me a look as she continued to plunge her hand into the walker's bleeding abdomen and I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"There," Maggie said as she backed up beside me to look at her bloody masterpiece. "Glenn Go To Terminus" was written in large lettering with Maggie's signature underneath.

"Not bad, a bit crooked, but not bad," I smirked as Maggie rolled her eyes and moved onwards. I smiled as I didn't miss the slight upwards tilt of her mouth at my comment, but quickly followed after her, taking my place by her side.

"We should have left them a better note," I said and Maggie shrugged.

"I think I got my point across just fine." She replied, her eyes focused straight ahead.

"So what now, Maggie?" I questioned and her brown eyes finally flickered towards me.

"We find Glenn." She said firmly and in quick strides, she was already far ahead of me. I sighed and quickly moved after her once again as we followed the path to Terminus, the so-called sanctuary that might offer to reunite us with our lost friends and family.


My head was spinning as night descended and forced us to seek shelter. I quickly pulled myself into the nearest tree I could climb up and was able to get Maggie to join me. Perched on a stable branch with my back flat against the tree, I looked up through the foliage to see the hundreds of bright stars that littered the darkened sky.

"Do you miss him?" Maggie's voice cut me out of my dazed state and I tilted my head towards where she was on the other side of the tree, her back pressed against the tree like mine.


I shook my head as I realized I hadn't replied and sighed. "All the time." I looked back up at the shimmering lights that filled the sky above our heads. As I went to turn away, one of the stars flickered and it's light grew brighter. "Leona." I smiled, the name passing my lips in a gentle whisper.

"You miss her as well, don't you?" I chuckled, not surprised that Maggie had heard me.

"She may have been crazy, but she still was my sister. I miss her more than anything."

We sat in silence for the rest of the night, my eyes flickering over our surroundings as Maggie softly snored and slept the night away. My mind was filled with all of the faces of people I've lost, but most of my thoughts were occupied by his face and his rough voice. "I know that you're still alive, you are too stubborn to die." I breathed into the crisp night, my eyes closing as my words were met by the faint cooing and the persistent buzzing of nearby animals.
I wiped a bead of sweat from my brow as I watched Maggie from a distance, her hands once again coated in blood. I sighed and slowly made my way towards her, pulling my hair into a ponytail as I did. "That can't be good for your skin," I said as I came up beside her.

"Not funny, Scar." She said, but her eyes betrayed her. A familiar glimmer was shining within them and it made me smile. "Let's keep moving." She said quickly though her feet moved faster than her words. I chuckled and hurried after her, linking her arm with mine when I caught up to her long strides.

We walked along in silence until the sound of moaning caught our attention and my knife was in my hand before I realized I needed it. A large group of walkers stumbled towards us, their mouths stretched wide as they snapped at us. "Fun," I growled and lurched forwards with Maggie on my heels, my blade sinking into the closest walker. It didn't put up much of a fight and soon I was off again, quickly getting rid of the next enemy.

"You what?" I questioned as Maggie sat down between a few walkers.

"I'm waiting...for Sasha and Bob." I raised a brow as she laid down beside them.

"And why does that mean you have to lay here?" I asked and watched as she chuckled.

"Unlike you Scar, I'm not big on sleeping in the trees." I glared down at her.

"It's safe," I argued and she merely closed her eyes.

"Until you fall out of the tree."

I groaned and looked up at the dimming sky. "How do we know they're still following us," I questioned and Maggie sighed.

"I just know."

"Great," I mumbled and began walking away. "Well, until they get here I'll be safe in a very tall tree." I heard her chuckle as I made my over to my temporary shelter and climbed up, situating myself on a safe branch. "Ridiculous," I grumbled and leaned back against the tree. "She's absolutely ridiculous."

The sound of something shattering woke me from my slumber and when I was met with the blinding light from the Sun I knew I had overslept. My mind went into overdrive as I dropped from the tree and was met with the growing sound of growling. "Scarlett!" I slid over the hood of a damaged car and planted my foot into the chest of a walker, knocking it backward before I plunged my knife into its skull.

"What happened?" I questioned harshly as Maggie yanked a metal signpost from it's latest victim.

"Window fell." I looked over at where Sasha now stood, a bloodied stick in her hands.

I turned as another walker approached us and quickly stabbed my knife between its eyes. "You found us. Where's Bob?" I asked as Sasha stabbed into another walker.

"Out looking for you two." She replied before Maggie pushed past her and sunk the metal post into a walker's skull, leaving it behind as she approached us again.

"Why are you here?" Sasha asked, breathing heavily after our morning workout with the walkers.

"We found more walkers than we wanted. I remembered...I heard what you said back at the camp. I heard you say you thought we should be in a town." Maggie replied and I looked between the two women, both tense as they stood face-to-face.

"What else did you hear me say?" Sasha frowned.

"The odds are Glenn is dead. And we should stop, but you're wrong." Maggie argued calmly. "So why are you here?" Sasha pushed further.

"She was waiting for you, Sasha," I said and Maggie looked at me before turning back to Sasha.

"I'm not giving up. But I need your help. And even if I catch up with Bob, we can't do it alone. I thought I couldn't ask you to risk your life, but I can. Cause I know what you'd be risking it for. And it isn't just Glenn." Maggie said firmly, her eyes bright as she watched Sasha. I placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a small smile.

"I get that you're afraid, Sasha," I said softly and her brown eyes met my green ones.

"I am. I am afraid." She replied, her voice barely a whisper.

"We could get there," Maggie smirked, that familiar glimmer back in her eyes. I chuckled and smiled at both of them as we stood together once again.

"Damn right, we could," I said and watched as Sasha shook her head with a smile.

"So let's go get Bob...and let's get there."

We ran together as we hurried along the path to Terminus and finally we spotted a figure in the distance. "Bob!" Maggie shouted out, racing ahead as the figure stopped and turned. We soon caught up and continued on together with Sasha taking up a place beside Bob and Maggie walking with her arm link with mine. "We're gonna make it, Scar." She breathed and I tilted my head to met her eyes.

"I never doubted that." I grinned as she smiled and leaned her head against my shoulder.

"I'm glad I've got you, Scarlett."

"Me too, Maggie. Me too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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