Chapter 8

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"Why you little bitch!" He spat and I wasn't fazed. He started moving towards me, but was stopped by Daryl stepping in front of me. "Move Dixon." Shane hissed, but Daryl remained in front of me. Shane finally annoyed stomped off, God knows where. I walked over to Carol and helped her up. She looked at me and I could see the sadness and grief she was going through. Lori walked over and slowly took Carol, leading her to the RV. I watched her leave and then looked down at Sophia, sorry she had to go this way.

I was sitting next to the fire, a bottle of whiskey in my hand. I had found it in the RV along with others and decided I needed something to wash down the day with. The fire flickered and spat in the small pit it was in, and I took another swig of the whiskey. Someone sat near me and took the bottle from my hand, I turned to see Daryl drink some of the whiskey and hand it back. "Didn't picture ya for the drinkin type." He said, his voice rough. "Well, when the pain is too much to bear, a drink or two helps." I said and drank some of the whiskey, then held it out for Daryl. He took it and took a swig, before handing it back. "Thanks for what you did back there." I said and took a swig. He nodded and then ran a hand through his hair. I turned to look at him and saw him looking back. Our eyes met and I don't know whether it was the alcohol or us, but we both leaned forwards. His lips connected with mine and I kissed him back. I sat down the bottle, not breaking the kiss, and then wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me gently. One of his hands held onto my waist as our kiss became deeper as his tongue asked for entrance. I parted my lips and soon his tongue roamed my mouth. Like I said, I wasn't exactly sure what sparked this, but I didn't exactly mind it either.

I pulled away and caught my breath, and looked down at my hands. I stared into the fire and then glanced at Daryl. He ran a hand through his hair and then looked at me. I sighed and picked up the whiskey, taking another swig, then watched the fire die down. Daryl walked off to his tent and left me sitting there.

"How long are we going be okay with this? How long are we just going to pretend?" Autumn said and looked at the other girls. "However long it takes til you can leave alive." I said and looked at the others girls.

We met in front of Ryan, and he watched each of us. "My daughters, I am lucky to have such beautiful and dangerous women and I am proud to be your father. However one of you has cause me a great deal of pain."

"You are not my father!" I turned to see Autumn and saw her slowly back away. Suddenly, a gun went off and Autumn fell to the floor.

"Anyone else?"

I jolted awake and immediately pressed my fingers to my head. I grabbed my bow and quietly left my tent, since it was early. I was walking past the RV, when I stopped in my tracks at the sound of a familiar voice. "You're up early, Scarlett."

I turned to see Dale sitting on the top of the RV. "As are you, Dale." He smiled and then motioned for me to come up. I climbed up and took a seat next to him, sitting my bow next to me. "So why are you up anyway, Dale? Couldn't sleep?" I asked and he just kept staring at the horizon. "To see the sunrise." He said and turned towards me, his gaze focused on my neck. "And what are these." He pulled the collar of my shirt away from my neck some and looked at the small bruises. "They're nothing." I said, but he raised an eyebrow. "When I was eight, I was kidnapped and my parents were killed by a man named Ryan and his wife. There were others that he kidnapped also, he wanted to change us into weapons that did his dirty work." I said and looked at Dale, he placed a hand on my leg. "Anyone that disobeyed him, got punished or killed. Me, I was the one he was proud of the most, but my mistakes resulted in punishment. A man called the Doctor, would cut me and torture me, trying to break me off my mistakes. The bruises are from the stuff he would inject in me." I looked down at my hands and Dale placed his hand over mine. "I'm sorry that this happened to you, truly." He said and I looked up at him. When I was younger, I pictured my father as my hero, saving me from all the pain. Now here sat a man who barely knew me, filling in for my father. I placed a brief kiss to Dale's cheek. "Thank you." He smiled and picked up his book, I grabbed my bow and headed down the RV.

I aimed and focused on my target, firing. I hit the squirrel and lowered my bow, walking over. As I bent down to pick up the squirrel, I heard fast footsteps behind me. Before I could react, I was shoved against a tree with a knife against my throat. Quickly, I kneed the figure and threw a punch towards the figure. I shoved the figure into a tree, my arm to its throat and reaching for my knife. I quickly stepped back after realizing who it was. "What the hell, Daryl!" I growled and he rubbed his throat as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Damn, ya almost kicked my ass." I rolled my eyes. "You placed a fucking knife to my throat, what did you expect." "Well if ya weren't sneaking around the damn woods, I wouldn't have taken ya as a walker." He growled. I scoffed and reloaded my bow, when growling came from behind me. I quickly turned to see a walker inches from me and felt someone grab me from behind, pulling me closer as the walker fell instantly. An arrow pointed out of the walker's skull and I turned and looked up at Daryl, as he looked down at me.

He looked down at my lips and then back into my eyes. "Thank you...again." I chuckled and he nodded. I walked over and picked up his arrow, and handed it back to him. I walked away and looked at him over my shoulder as he started reloading his crossbow.

I went back and placed a brief kiss against his cheek, jogging off afterwards smiling.

Maggie was pacing the front porch and stopped when I walked up. "What's wrong?" She ran a hand through her hair. "Rick and Glenn aren't back yet with my dad." She sat down in one chairs on the porch. "When did they leave?" I asked, sitting next to her. "My dad left last night after the whole barn thing and Rick left this morning with Glenn to go find him." I watched as Lori and Carol walked over to go wash clothes. "I'm sure they're fine, Maggie." She nodded and walked inside. Carl walked over to Jimmy and starting talking to him, probably about learning how to shoot.

"I wouldn't get too comfortable." I turned to see Shane and ignored his comment. "I mean who would want a coldblooded killer around." I froze and turned towards him, a smirk on his stupid face. "So you're blackmailing me? In the middle of the apocalypse? Wow, Shane you really are a jackass." He frowned and then gripped my arm, pulling me towards him. "How bout you take a walk, a very long one." I pulled away from him and watched him walked away. Before he walked far away, he turned back. "We wouldn't want people getting hurt now, would we?" I scowled at him and sat down in one of the chairs after he left.

Man, I hate Shane.

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