Chapter 9

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It was still night and I grabbed my bag and bow, and slipped my pistols and knifes into their holders. I slung my bag and bow over my shoulder, and creeped through the camp. As I pasted the farmhouse, I looked back at the camp and could see a tent farthest away from the others. Daryl. I soon turned and made my way to the road, walking away from the farm hating that I gave into Shane.

(Three days later)

"Come on, bastards!!" I yelled at the slow moving walkers. I ran down the street and climbed onto a green and black motorcycle, starting it up. I speed off down the road, with my bow, bag, one of my pistols, and a hunting knife. My black hair flowing behind me as the wind blew through it.

I went into a small town and went into a small store that still held a good amount of supplies in it. I was running low on water and food, and wanted to also gather some gas to fill up my bike just in case. I headed into the store, my knife unsheathed as I searched it. I stopped when I heard a car pull up to the store, and I ducked down and pressed my back to a row of shelves. "Maggie go with Glenn and grab supplies." I knew that voice in my sleep, it was Shane. I moved slowly down the isle as footsteps came closer. I stayed low and moved to the back of the store. I looked out and Maggie perked her head up, and I snapped it back.

I tried to move, but I was suddenly pulled back with my back to the person and a knife to my throat. "Scar?" Maggie was standing in front of me and the knife dropped from my throat. I looked at her and then at Glenn, but when Shane walked in, I glared at him. "Why did you run away?" Maggie asked and I turned to face her. "Let's just say I driven to go." I walked over a row of shelves and dumped a few cans into my bag, swinging it over my shoulder. Glenn walked past me and went outside with Shane. "Things are different without you, and the group is always yelling." Maggie said and took a can from the shelf. "Sounds pretty normal." I said, grabbing a bottle of water and drinking some. "You know, you look like shit." She said, grabbing the water from me and taking a sip. "Well I'm glad you noticed, it's this new stuff called walker blood, super popular nowadays." She chuckled and I gave a small laugh. "Why won't you come back, Scar? Please just help me understand why you would just up and leave with no explanation."I sighed and took her hand, dragging her somewhere I knew Shane couldn't hear and told her my story and how I didn't want the people I had learned to trust to look at me with fear and hatred. She listened and when I was done she embraced me, which honestly shocked me. "I'm with you, just know that." She said and I smiled. We went back into the main area of the store and Glenn walked back in. "You ready?" She nodded and he walked out. "Where are you staying tonight?" I looked at her confused. "There's a small house over on the other side of the street that I'll stay in tonight." She nodded and then threw me a smile before leaving.

I gathered some more supplies before heading out and climbing into my bike, heading to the other side of the street. I parked the bike and made my way carefully through the house, clear. I sat on the stairs and looked down at my hands thinking. It was night and there was still silence, until I heard the roar of a familiar bike and stood up.

He came through the door and shut it behind him, his pistol drawn and the crossbow strapped to his back. "Daryl?" I walked down the stairs and his eyes met mine, his blue ones shining bright, and then he frowned. "How dare ya run off like that, what the hell were ya thinking.Ya gotta death wish, woman?" I smiled at him. "Didn't know you cared so much." He immediately stomped over and pulled me off the stairs to where I was standing close to his chest, his blue eyes looking down at me. "Ya could have been killed." He hissed and I slowly removed my wrist from his grasp. "I'm not that easy to kill, you of all people should know that." He rolled his eyes and then started pacing the floor. "Plus I have my reasons." I said and sat on the stairs facing him. "I know." He grumbled and continued pacing. "Let me guess, Maggie told you." He glanced at me and gave a slight nod. "She thought I could convince ya to come back." He said and leaned against the wall. "And how's that working out for you, Hillbilly." I snickered.

Suddenly I was pulled off my feet and placed over his shoulder. "Daryl, put me down." I commanded, but only heard him give a small laugh. "You're comin back." He said and grabbed my bag. "Come on, put me down, I can't go back." I said and tried to knee him, but he grabbed my leg before it hit his chest. "Why, short stuff." I groaned at the name, while he gave a low chuckle. "I'll tell you if you put me down." I said and he lowered me to my feet. I dusted myself off and then looked up him. "Shane made me leave or risk everyone knowing about the things I've done, I'd thought I'd save myself the trouble of being looked at like a psychopath." I said and took my bag from him, setting it back next to my bow. I turned back to him and he nodded, then pressed his back to the wall again.

"So you're afraid of Shane?" I narrowed my eyes at him and he smirked. He knew that he was getting to me, but I could play the same game. I walked over and grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer to my face and running my free hand over his cheek. When I slowly pulled back, he grabbed my wrist and wrapped a hand around my waist pulling me towards him.

His grip on my wrist loosened as our faces were close together, our breath running across each other's cheeks. He waited, wondering if I would pull away or stay, and when I leaned forwards and lightly touched his lips with mine, he pressed his lips to mine. He dropped my wrist and wrapped the hand around my waist, while my hands wrapped around his neck. He wasted no time in deepening the kiss, running his tongue over my bottom lip, and soon my back was to the wall as his tongue roamed my mouth.

I pulled away, catching my breath, and looked into his bright, blue eyes. A small smile grew on his face and I pressed a brief kiss to his cheek. I walked past him and grabbed my bag and bow. He chuckled and I rolled my eyes, a smile joining it. "It's seems I have convinced ya." I kept walking and he followed behind me.

We climbed onto our bikes, the engines revving as we both sped off.

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