Chapter 13

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The house was packed, but we all fit, barely. The men had taken up the living room, laying across the couches and chairs. The women and Carl shared rooms with each other, which we really didn't mind. However, the living room smelled like dirty locker room. I saw Daryl with Rick, looking at a map. They were probably planning to drop off Randall again and I didn't want to be a bother. I decided to help Beth and Patricia board up the windows for extra protection and then help Hershel pack up some supplies in case we have to leave in a hurry.

Everyone was busy and then we heard someone shouting at the house. I moved outside along with Maggie and the others. T-dog ran over to the house to where Daryl and Rick were setting up to leave. "He's gone!" T-dog shouted as Glenn left to go over to Rick and Daryl. "How did he get out, he was handcuffed? How is that even possible?" Andrea asked panicked. "It is if you're determined to get free." Rick said as the other became worried. We suddenly heard another shout as Shane came over, blood running from his nose. "Randall, he has my gun, he's armed!" Shane said frantically. Daryl, Glenn, and Rick grabbed their guns and followed Shane as he lead them to the tree line. "I gotta find my dad." Maggie said and turned back into the house, the others had worried looks across their face.

"I hope they find him, if he's armed, he's dangerous." Lori said as we helped out around the house, the moon shining through some parts of the window, before a piece of wood blocked it. "I'm sure they'll find him." Maggie said and went upstairs. I knew she was worried about Glenn being out there, even if she didn't show it.

Suddenly, Daryl and Glenn came back, and burst through the door. "Rick back?" I shook my head and he growled. "We heard a gunshot." He growled as Lori rushed forwards. "Maybe he found Randall." Daryl turned to Glenn, then back to us. "We found Randall." Daryl said. "Is he back in the barn?" T-dog asked. "No, he was a walker." Hershel stepped through the small crowd of people in the hall. "Did you find the walker that bit him?" Glenn shook his head. "The weird thing is he wasn't bitten." Everyone was confused. "His neck was broke." Daryl added. "So he fought back?" Patricia spoke up. "The thing is, Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of each other, Shane and the boy had to be together." Lori then spoke up, her voice shaky. "Can you please just find Rick and Shane, so we can figure out what the hell is going on." Daryl nodded and was about to step out the door, when T-dog spoke up. "Um guys." He was looking through one of the boards on the window.

Daryl, Glenn, me, and Andrea rushed to the porch and saw a horde of walkers slowly moving towards the farm. "Damn." I said, staring at the horde. Everyone was behind us, eyeing the horde. "Patricia, kill the lights." Hershel grabbed a gun and moved towards one of the windows. "I'll get the guns." Andrea said and quickly moved inside. "Maybe they'll pass like the walkers on the highway. We should just stay inside." Glenn said. "A horde that size will rip down the damn house." He said, when a shout came from inside the house. I ran back to see Lori panicked. "Carl, he's gone! I can't find him." I walked up to her and she looked up. "We have to go, but we'll find him." She still was panicked. "I'm not leaving without my boy!" I motion for Carol and she came over, taking Lori to their room.

Andrea came around pass out guns and I snagged the rifle from her. "It's no use staying, the numbers are too high." Daryl shouted at Hershel. "You can leave if you want, but I die here." Daryl sighed. "Well it's as good a night as any." We devised a plan and Daryl and Glenn left, taking one of the cars. I grabbed Maggie as she passed by me. "We need to leave, we're all dead if we stay here." She nodded and we both got people moving, telling them to gather their stuff quickly. I ran up the stairs and grabbed my bow and bag, and ran out on the porch as the barn burst up in flames. Throwing my stuff in the back of the pickup, I pulled out the rifle and started shooting walkers that were heading this way, there were so many coming, and it was becoming difficult to keep them back. "Come on!" I shouted into the house and Maggie appeared next me, helping me keep back the walkers. People started leaving the house, when I heard screaming.

I turned into the house to see Beth holding Patricia's hands, while two walkers ripped into her throat. Andrea pulled Beth away as I fired and killed Patricia and the two walkers. I rushed back outside and saw Rick and Carl coming to the house, Daryl and Glenn behind him. The walkers were surrounding us and the group climbed into cars. I still fired at the walkers, and glance back watching the group climb in. I then noticed that Andrea, Hershel, and Carol were not there. I quickly moved back inside and saw Hershel shooting walkers, I stabbed a walker come up behind him and pulled him from the window. "We have to go Hershel!" He followed me reluctantly and I covered him as he went off the porch and into one of the cars, I tried to go back into the house, but walkers made their way in. One of the cars drove off, hitting straggling walkers and I stabbed one of the walkers in the head. "Come on!" I turned to see Daryl kill a walker and start his bike driving off along with another car. I sighed and ran back into the house killing walkers and searched around. "Carol!" I shouted and killed a walker. Suddenly, a woman came up to me being chased by two walkers, I dodged them and stabbed both, then grabbed Carol. We went out the back door and I lead her to my bike, quickly climbing on with her doing the same. I drove away from house as Carol killed walkers that were getting to close.

I glanced back and saw the farm being devoured by walkers, the fire of the barn slowly dying out. I sped up, getting farther and farther away from the farm.

Carol had fallen asleep on my back, but I didn't mind, I just focused on the road ahead of me as sleep was trying to overcome me. I soon noticed some tracks on the road and followed them, hoping that they would lead me to the group.

Soon I saw cars lined up in the road and I slowed down, causing Carol to wake up. "Did we find them?" She asked, looking around. "I hope." I said weakly. As I turned the corner, I saw the familiar trucks and people standing around shouting. As I pulled up, it grew quiet as they stared at me like I was a ghost. Carol hopped off and ran to Lori and the others who embraced her. I slowly made my way off, and tried to stay awake.

I stumbled, but someone grabbed my waist steadying me. I looked up to see Daryl and gave him a small smile. He rolled his eyes and quickly picked me, placing me over his shoulder. "Really?" I said, struggling, but it was no use I had no energy left. He opened the door to the green suburban and placed me down. "Ya need sleep." He said before I protested. "Pf, no I don't." I tried to step forward, but gripped the car door. "Okay maybe you're right, but—." He narrowed his eyes at me and I hopped inside the car and curled up on the seat, looking down at him, as shut the door.

I mumbled to myself and my eyes reluctantly started to to shut, allowing sleep.

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