Chapter 38

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As we walked up I saw Tyreese and then I noticed the two, burnt figures on the ground. My steps slowed and I saw Carol standing to the side watching Tyreese. Daryl walked past me as I stayed near the wall watching all of them. Rick was standing a few inches away from Tyreese as he looked at the figures. Rick had explained that Tyreese had found them and from the look of it, they had been burned not to long ago.

"I came to see Karen." Tyreese said softly. "I saw the blood on the floor ." He gestured with his arm towards the trail of blood that lead from the doorway. "Then I smelt it." His voice was soft and weak. "Somebody dragged 'em out here!" He yelled out in anger. "And set 'em on fire! They killed 'em and set 'em on fire!" He stared at the charcoal bodies before turning to Rick, getting in his face.

I watched as Daryl moved behind him, not trusting Tyreese in this state. "You were a cop." Tyreese stated out of anger. "You find who did this and you bring 'em to me. You understand? You bring 'em to me!" Rick stared back at Tyreese's anger state as silence filled the area. "I need to say it again?" Tyreese hissed. "No, no, no." Rick said, shaking his head. "I know what you're feeling. I've been there, you saw me there. It's dangerous." He glanced at me before turning back to Tyreese. "Karen didn't deserve this! David didn't deserve this! Nobody does!" He shouted at Rick and Daryl stepped forwards some. "Alright, come on.."

Tyreese spun around and pinned Daryl against the wall. I moved forwards my hand clutching my knife in a tight grip. Daryl held out his arm and locked eyes with me. My knife slipped back into its holster slowly as Daryl dropped his arm, but my gaze didn't leave Daryl. Tyreese calmed down, but still held on to Daryl's leather vest. "We're on the same side here, man." Daryl said calmly to Tyreese. "Hey, look I know what you're going through We've all lost someone. We know what you're going through right now, gotta calm down." Rick tried to reason. Rick stepped forwards, but Tyreese released Daryl and shoved Rick back. "You need to step the hell back!" He shouted at Rick.

Rick took a step back as I watched. "She wouldn't want you being like this." It was the worst thing Rick could have said and it drove Tyreese to madness. He threw a punch that knocked Rick flat to the ground. "No! Stop!" Carol shouted as Tyreese threw another punch at Rick. I ran forward and shoved Tyreese off of Rick, Ty stepping back some. Daryl grabbed Tyreese by his shoulder as I turned back towards Rick. I blocked his way and I could see the darkness in his eyes.

"Move, Scarlett!" He spat, but I didn't move. "Rick, don't do this." I said, fiercely. He stepped forwards and harshly grabbed my shoulder, pushing me to the ground. I landed on my arm and clutched it as I saw Rick punch Ty out of Daryl's hold. "Dammit, Rick." I muttered and got back to my feet as Rick continued to punch Tyreese repeatedly. Daryl tried to grab Rick, but Rick only struggled. "Let go of me! Let go of me!" Daryl couldn't keep his grip and Rick shoved him back. I sighed and pulled out my knife.

My knife was to Rick's throat as I pulled him away from Tyreese and I slowly walked backwards with Rick in front of me. "Let me go, Scar." He said harshly, but I didn't budge. When we got a good distance from Ty, I stopped. "Enough, Rick." I said and looked over at the sobbing Tyreese, his face bruised and bloody. I still held Rick away as Tyreese slowly got to his feet and glanced at me before walking away. I dropped my knife from Rick's throat and he stepped away from me, and I clutched my arm.

I knew a huge bruise was already forming there from the fall. Rick walked another way as Carol came up to me. "You alright?" She asked and moved my hand away, lifting up my sleeve. I looked down to see a black and blue bruise already forming. She lightly touched it and I winced, pulling away from her hand. "I'm fine." I muttered and she was about to say something else, but I walked away.

The wind ran across my face as I watched Tyreese madly dig graves. I sat on the grass in the courtyard watching the walkers near the fence. "Hey." I turned to see Glenn walk up. "We're having another council meeting." I nodded and got up, glancing at Tyreese before leaving. "It's spread." Hershel said and I leaned against the shelves. "Everyone who survived the attack in cell block D, Sasha, Caleb, and now others." He stated. "Jesus." Daryl breathed. "What do we do?" Carol asked. "First things first. Cell block A is isolation. We keep the sick people there. Like we tried with Karen and David." Hershel answered.

I started to feel exhausted and my vision became blurry again. "The hell are we going to do about that?" Daryl stated. "We'll ask Rick to look into it." Carol suggested. "Try and make a timeline, who's where and when. But what are we going to do to stop this?" She asked. "There is no stopping it, you get it you have to go through it." Hershel stated. "But it just kills you." Michonne said. "The illness doesn't, the symptoms do. We need antibiotics." Hershel replied. "We've been through every pharmacy nearby and then some." Daryl said. "What about my old veterinarian college, West Peachtree Tech? The drugs there for animals are suitable for humans also." Hershel suggested.

"It's 50 miles. A big risk then, not now. I'm gonna take a group out, best not to waste anymore time." Daryl stood up and Michonne stepped forwards. "I'm in." Hershel shook his head. "You haven't been exposed, Daryl has, you get in a car with him.." Michonne stopped him. "He's already given me fleas." She joked. "I'll make up a map and a list." Hershel said, standing up. My vision cleared and I looked at Glenn, who was sweating like crazy, then looked down at my hands. They were shaking and I pressed my back against the wall. "Scarlett?"

I looked up at Michonne, who was walking towards me, and shook my head and held an arm out. "Please....don't come" I managed to say as Daryl ignored me, coming near me and trying to place the back of his hand against my forehead. I grabbed his wrist and his concerned eyes met mine. My grip loosened and he placed his hand to my head, then pulled away. "She's burning up. We need to take her to Doctor S." I shook my head and moved away from them. "Please, I can myself." Daryl's jaw clenched and he stepped forwards slightly, but I noticed it. "Please...Daryl...just go." He stopped and looked at me reluctantly before rushing out, Michonne by his side.

I slowly made my way to cell block A and once inside I heard harsh coughing and wheezing. I stumbled up a staircase and sat next to a window, I heard a faint bang and looked out the window to see Daryl and Michonne standing next to Zach's car. Daryl ran a hand through his hair as Bob came up to the group. I gave a weak chuckle and a small tear ran down my face. I leaned my head against the cool glass as my eyes began to flicker and then let sleep consume me.

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