Chapter 23

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Scarlett's view:

It was becoming dark and I was sitting far away, on the prison floor, next to the area that lead to the courtyard. The group was finishing up work, but was still watching Daryl feed Rick's small infant. I gave a small smile seeing a man like Daryl feeding such a small innocent thing. "She got a name yet?" Daryl asked and Carl shook his head. Maggie walked over and glancing at me before sitting next to Glenn. Carl started to list off the names of the dead and Maggie stopped him, placing her hand on his shoulder. "You like that? Daryl spoke to the infant in his arms drinking formula. "Huh, Lil' ass-kicker?" I chuckled at the name and looked up to see Maggie smiling at me, and Daryl give me a small smile. I looked down at my hands and then back up at the group that was smiling at the name. "You like that, sweetheart?" He cooed and I smiled. People started heading to bed and Rick walked past me with Hershel, but I ignored him.

"Who's sleeping with the baby?" Maggie asked. I stood up and pulled Maggie to the side. "Mind if I?" She smiled and shook her head that she didn't mind. Daryl handed Lil' ass-kicker to Maggie when she walked over and headed up to the perch. I lead Maggie to my room and set down the makeshift bed they made her. Maggie set the infant into the box and shot me a smile before she left. I slowly picked the infant up and carefully moved into my bunk, pressing my back to the wall. Lil' ass-kicker yawned and I ran my index finger down her cheek. "You're cute, very adorable." I whispered to her. She had light brown eyes that looked into my green eyes, and I smiled when she grabbed my finger with her small hand. I rocked her gently until she fell asleep, her breathing quiet. "It's good to know you aren't afraid of me." I whispered softly. I felt someone watching me and looked up to see Daryl. "You okay?" He asked, his voice calm. I gave a small nod and then looked back down at the infant. He walked inside the cell and set down a small plastic bag. "Clothes." He said simply, when I looked at him confused.

"Didn't think you would be up." I said and looked up at Daryl. "It's cold out there." I raised an eyebrow then looked down at the small bundle in my arms. "You could move in here." I said, not making eye contact, but pointing to the top bunk. I heard him walk away, but after a few moments he was back and was pulling a mattress. I looked down at the infant as Daryl placed the mattress on top. "Look who decided to sleep in a cage." I cooed to the sleeping infant and saw a faint smile. I looked up to see Daryl on the ladder, rolling his eyes. I gave a low chuckle and slowly set the infant back in her makeshift bed. I moved toward the ladder and climbed up. Daryl's head was near the ladder and my face was over his. "What are you doing, woman?" I looked into his bright blue eyes and swiftly placed my lips on his. He slowly moved his hand to my hair, but I pulled away and slid back into my bunk. I turned where my back was facing the wall and my feet where near the ladder. I slowly started falling asleep and soon darkness surrounded me.

I stumbled back into the room I was staying in and winced when I hit the corner of the dresser. "Scarlett?" Diana said, pointing a flashlight on me. Blood ran down my skin from the fresh new cuts on my skin. She helped me to my bed and out of the tank top I was wearing. She pulled a rag out and dampen it, then ran it over the cuts. "I hate seeing you like this, Scar." She said softly, trying not to wake the others. "I'll be fine, Ana, just go back to sleep." I said weakly, but she scoffed and continued to wipe up the blood. "So difficult." She smiled and I gave a low chuckle. "You're one to talk."

I jolted awake and heard the infant start to cry and I sat up, immediately picking up the infant, I slowly rocked the crying child and her eyes slowly began to close again. "I'm sorry I woke you up, sweetheart." I cooed softly. I wiped a small tear from her soft cheek and leaned my head against the wall. "What was it this time?" I heard Daryl groan from above. "Just a stupid memory." I said softly and looked down at the child in my arms. I heard him get up and move down the ladder. He looked at me and then pulled out his rag. He ran it under my eye and then shoved it back in his pocket. "You scratched yourself." He stated and moved into my bunk, pressing his back to the wall on my right. I nodded and watched as some light flooded the prison. People would start waking up soon and be getting to work. I slowly moved Lil' ass-kicker back into her bed and moved back into my spot, bring my knees to my chest. "I'm sorry I woke you also." I said softly and Daryl looked at me and sighed. He moved next to me and looked into my green eyes. "Talk, what was it about." He said sternly and I sighed. "One of my sisters, it always is." I said and turned away from him. "But this one wasn't as bad as the other." I said and turned to face him. He was still looking forwards and I placed my head on his shoulder. He became tense and then looked down at me. He wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me closer, his warmth surrounding me. I softly grabbed his face and brought it closer to me. He grabbed my wrist and our eyes met. "I don't need no woman, they get in the way." He said gruffly. "Then why did you let me kiss you?" I said calmly and pulled my wrists from his grip. "It won't happen again." He hissed, but I raised an eyebrow and smirked. I moved in front of him and quickly pressed a kiss to his lips, his lips moving against mine. His hands moved to my waist as our lips moved in sync. I pulled back and smirked. "Won't happen again, huh?" I climbed from the bunk and picked up Lil' ass-kicker, then took her from the cell.

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