Chapter 25

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I spit the blood from my mouth on the floor and looked back up at the Governor as he swung again. "Come on, sweetheart, how much more can you possible take?" He hissed. I spit blood in the ground and faced him. "You'd be surprised, bastard." I hissed back and felt his hand around my throat. He pushed me to the wall and the chains rattled as I gripped his hand, trying to pull it off. "Where is the group?!?" He spat. The room became darker and my grip on his hand loosened. I fell to the ground as he released me and laid there, gathering my breath. He turned to walk away, but anger boiled inside of me. "Why don't you just kill me! Get it over with!! Cause I won't give ya a damn thing!!!" He laughed and then was next to me in a matter of seconds, a knife near my stomach. "Oh, I'll get answers sweetheart." He lift the bottom of my tank top and ran the cool metal across my stomach. "You keep thinking that." I huffed and gasped as he slid the blade into my flesh, it still hurt like hell. When he pulled the blade out, I fell to my knees and watched him walked towards the door. I felt faint and my head was spinning. "You won't win." I muttered before darkness surrounded me.

I woke up to shouting coming from outside the door and the sound of marching feet. My skin was bloody and as was my tank top, the blood soaking it. I looked up as the Governor walked in furious, but then he smirked. "Well, it seems your little friends got away, left you behind." In the inside, I was happy that they got away, but I couldn't show him that. "They're weak, the bastards." I hissed and tried to pull on the chains. "Tell me where your group is and you can be with us, we won't leave you behind my dear." He said and crouched down, running his thumb under my eye. "How do I know your telling the truth?" I said sweetly, drawing him in more and more.

Maggie's view:

I helped Glenn along as we slowly made our way back to the prison. I hated leaving Scarlett behind, but hopefully she would understand. The guards were after us and we both wanted to go for her, but we couldn't. As we came across a familiar wall, a voice shouted out and Rick met us at the fence, helping us. When we were brought into the cell block, Beth immediately wrapped her arms around me. "You're okay, we were so worried." I pulled her off and stared into her worried eyes, then turned to Rick. "Scarlett, she's still there, she needs our help." I pleaded as Daryl walked up, he seemed on edge. "Where is she?" He growled. "I'm not sure, a small community maybe." I turned to see a new woman with dark skin and braids. "Woodbury." She said, slowly walking up. "I can take you there to find your friend." She grabbed a pair of swords and turned to Rick. "If she's still alive." I nodded and then turned back to Daryl. "It's Merle, he kidnapped us." Daryl turned to Rick and then walked to the fence as Rick grabbed his gun, Oscar following him.

Scarlett's view:

I pulled hard on the chains, making them rattle and shake. The Governor left minutes ago after I tricked him into thinking the group was in a shop in town. I felt weak, but I kept rattling the chains until I heard the door open. "Would you quit with the racket!" A man yelled into the cell. "But I'm bored." I whined and saw him move into the cell. He pulled out his knife when he walked over and ran the flat side across my cheek. "You are a pretty thing, aren't ya." He ran the knife down to my thigh and then plunged it into my flesh. I winced and looked into his eyes. "Why don't you unchain me and we can have some fun?" I whispered and saw him think about it. "Come on, what am I gonna do? I'm too weak to fight someone like you off." I stated and he pulled a key from his pocket, then moved to unchain me. Once I felt my hand fall free, I acted. I grabbed the knife still plunged into my thigh and stabbed the man in the chest, where his heart was. He staggered back and fell, and I pulled him towards me, grabbing the keys. I unlocked my other hand and chained the now dead man into the chains. I pulled out the knife and slowly stood up, backing away. "Be sure to give the Governor a bite for me." I cooed before I limped to the metal door and peaked out. Suddenly, gunshots were heard and people were running. I moved from the room and snuck around the corners, watching out for guards. I snuck up behind one and plunged the knife into his back, he fell to the floor and I stabbed him in the head before I left. I could feel blood still leaking from my stomach wound, along with bruises from where I was punched surrounding it.

I hid as a group of men with weapons ran pass me and I heard more gunshots. As I limped around a corner, and a guard saw me. He shoved me to a wall with his knife to my throat, I tried to push him back, but I was too weak. I tried to use my knife, but suddenly his knife was digging hard into my arm causing me cry out in pain and drop the knife. I mustered up enough strength and pushed him off of me, when I stopped.

A gunshot was fired and the man fell, and I brought my hand to my stomach. In front of me stood Rick, Daryl, and Glenn, Rick holding the gun that just fired. Darkness slowly started surrounding me and I started to fall, seeing them run towards me.

"Wake your ass up. Come on Scar!" Leona shouted at me and darkness flickered in and out. "Listen I ain't gonna wait all day for you, you know where I'll be." She gripped my face and I winced. "Don't be late!" She spat and darkness flickered in once again. "Dammit, she's bleeding out." My eyes shot open and I cried out as I moved to sudden. "Scarlett! You alright, just calm down." My vision was fuzzy and I couldn't make out the figures well, I looked at my hands and they were bloody as was my stomach. "We have to get her still, there's too much damage." Someone grabbed my face softly and I saw a pair of blue eyes in front of me. I felt something injected into my neck and I winced, my eyes started to close, but I could still see the blue eyes of Daryl Dixon.

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