Chapter 28

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I limped from my cell to the main area of the bottom floor where everyone was gathered. It has been a few days since the attack, and people were worried. Maggie turned her head towards me as I walked up and came up to me, pulling me into a gentle hug. "I'm so glad your okay." She said and pulled back, moving to her spot next to Glenn. The group had been arguing earlier about wanting to leave, but Rick had said that we were staying.

Suddenly, I saw someone walking through the fence and unsheathed my knife. "Rick." He turned towards me and I pointed to the figure now walking up. "Is that Andrea?" Carol asked as Rick started heading to the courtyard. He lead her into the prison, watching her every move not trusting her. As she came in she looked around at all of us, seeing what was left. Her eyes locked onto me and she ran her eyes over me carefully. I brought my knife to my throat and slowly slid it across it, causing her to step back and for me to give a low chuckle. I stepped back and moved next to Daryl, who was standing back from the group. Carol was the first to walk up and give her a hug as we just watched. "After you saved me, we thought you were dead." Carol said, explaining everything about the farm.

Andrea looked at Hershel and eyed his leg. "Hershel, my god." She exclaimed and her eyes roamed the prison. "I can't believe this. Where's Shane?" I gave a low scoff and got lightly nudge in the side. I nudged Daryl back and he rolled his eyes. Rick shook his head as a answer to her question as she kept going. "And Lori?" This time Hershel spoke up. "She had a girl. Lori didn't survive." Andrea looked sadly at Rick. "And neither did T-dog." Maggie added. "I'm so sorry." Andrea started and looked at Carl, then back at Rick. "Rick..I." She stepped forwards towards Rick, but he stepped back. "You all live here?" She asked, changing the rather sad topic. "Here and the cell block." Glenn said. "There?" Andrea pointed to the door that lead to the cell block and Glenn just nodded. "Well can I go in?" Before even getting an answer, she started slowly walking towards it, but I moved and walked slowly in front of her, blocking her. "Yeah, that's not happening." She watched me and I moved my hand towards my knife.

"I'm not the enemy, Scarlett, you can trust me." I scoffed and she raised an eyebrow. "I rather not." She huffed and turned towards Rick. "I'm not the enemy, Rick." She protested, thinking that it would make a difference. "We had that fence and the courtyard until your boyfriend tore down the fence with a truck and shot us up." Andrea looked at him confused. "He said you shot first." I scoffed and she snapped her head towards me. "Yea, he's lying to you, sweetheart." I moved back near Daryl, but kept my eyes on Andrea. "He killed an inmate that survived here." Hershel continued and Andrea just listened. "I didn't know anything about that. As soon as I found out, I came. I didn't even know you were in Woodbury, until after the shoot-out." She said innocently. "That was days ago." Glenn replied. "I told you, I came as soon as I could." Andrea's eyes ran over all of us, until they landed on Michonne. I didn't know Michonne well, but she seemed like someone I would want to get to know.

"What have you told them?" She said accusing at Michonne. "Nothing." She replied simply. "I don't get, I left Atlanta with you people and now I'm the odd man out?" She said, looking around. "He almost killed Michonne and he would have killed us." Glenn said and Andrea's eyes flicked over to me. "With his finger on the trigger. Isn't he the one that kidnapped you? Beat you?" She pointed at Merle, who was just watching the whole thing. I turned to look at him and then back at Andrea. "Bitch, you knew." I said and stepped forwards. She stepped back some and looked around. "And I bet you're going to run back to your precious boyfriend, huh?"

"Look, I cannot excuse or explain what Phillip has done, but I'm here because I'm trying to bring us together. We have to work this out." Andrea said quickly, her eyes still on me. "There's nothing to work out, we're going to kill him. I don't know when or how, but we will." Rick said and a small smile grew on my face. Man, the idea of getting my hands on that bastard was the most amazing feeling. "We can settle this. There's room at Woodbury for all of you." Andrea protested. "You know better then that." Merle chuckled and I turned to face him, he met my eyes and gave me a slight nod. I turned back and looked at Andrea, wondering if that just happened or it was in my mind. "What makes you think this man will negotiate with us? Did he say that?" Hershel asked and she shook her head. "No." She said softly. "Then why did you come here?" Rick asked. "Because his hearing up to war. The people are terrified and see you as killers. They're training to attack." Andrea said panicked. "Tell you what, next time you see Phillip, tell him I'll take his other eye." I looked over at Daryl as he glanced at me.

I looked back at Andrea as she sighed. "We've taken too much shit. If the governor wants a war, he's got one." Glenn said. Andrea turned to Rick, not being able to get the response she wanted from the group. "Rick, if you don't sit down and work this out, I don't know what will happen. He has a whole town." She turned towards us as Rick said nothing. "Look at you, you've lost so much already, you can't stand alone anymore." She pleaded and I shook my head. "I'm not living under that man, not after what he did, I rather fight against him, that man is sick." I snapped and she turned towards me. "I'm sorry about what happened to you all, truly." I scoffed and ran my hand through my hair, showing the scar the ran over my left eye. "That doesn't change a damn thing." I hissed. Rick looked at me and then at Andrea. "You wanna make this right, get us in." Rick stated and Andrea looked at him shocked. "No." She shook her head. "Then we got nothing to talk about." Rick said and stormed away. "There are innocent people there!" She shouted after him, but he kept walking. "Scarlett, they're innocent, they've done no harm, please." She pleaded and everyone looked at me.

"This isn't my choice." I said and turned to walk away, but she wasn't done. "They're like your sisters, you wouldn't want them to die, would you?" I stopped and slowly unsheathed my knife. "Those people aren't like my sisters in anyway." I said turning to face her, and could see she saw the anger in my eyes. "You chose your side, Andrea, now get out." She stepped back. "You've changed." She muttered, but I heard her. "You can thank Phillip for that, honey." I snapped and left the room, sheathing my knife. "Gorgeous has guts." Merle chuckled from behind the cell bars. I rolled my eyes and went back to my cell.

I sat on my bunk as Beth walked in. "You feel okay?" I nodded and she walked over and lifted the bottom of my tank top. "It looks better, just be careful." I nodded. "You still planning on leaving?" I sighed and looked up at her. "Yea, there's something there I need to find." She huffed and sat next to me. "Don't be gone for too long, okay?" I nodded and gave her a small smile. "I'll try to be back as soon as I can, I doubt it'll take long." She nodded and then stood up from the bunk. "Did you tell Rick?" I shook my head. "I told Hershel, Rick didn't seem like he was in the right mindset." She smiled and then left the cell.

I went over to my bag and began to pack, I didn't need much, but I wanted to make sure I would have all the important stuff. I carefully slung the bag over my shoulder and walked to the bottom floor. "Leaving so soon, Gorgeous?" Merle smirked through the bars. "Awe don't worry, ugly, I'll be back soon." He chuckled as I walked past him. I went out to the side area where the vehicles were and saw that my bike had been unloaded. I pulled the key from my bag and started the engine. "I hope this won't be for nothing." I muttered and then slowly pulled out, then drove off from the prison. The only noise was from the engine of my cycle as I drove through the dense woods.

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