Chapter 33

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Scarlett's black hair blew as a breeze rolled through the prison. She had a uneasy feeling, something was wrong. Scarlett turned to look back in the prison and saw some of the group still sitting around. She sighed and touched her sister's ring. "Please watch over him, May." It had been some while and Michonne had come back a few hours ago, telling Rick that Daryl went after Merle, who was planning to assassinate the Governor.

It was getting late, as the night slowly started making its way across the sky.  She stood up from the stairs and went to sit in the courtyard, her bow by her side. Scarlett looked up at the full moon and smiled as it lit up some of the courtyard. The stars began to take their places when she heard a rustling. She immediately aimed her bow until she saw the figure. It was Daryl, his movements slow and his crossbow loosely hanging to his side.

Almost instantly Scarlett knew the cause of his trouble without him saying a word. Merle was dead. She slowly made her way up to Daryl as he came through the fence. He looked up at her, his blue eyes now saddened. She wrapped her hands around his neck as he stood there. After a while the crossbow dropped from his hand and his arms tightly wrapped around her, his face buried into her shoulder. She pulled back and placed her forehead to his, and ran her thumb along his cheek. Daryl closed his eyes at her touch, his hands tightly gripping her waist, but she didn't mind. Scarlett wanted to ease his pain, but she knew only time could help him. However, she would try her best to rid him of this sadness. She pressed a small kiss to his forehead and swore she saw a smile touch the edge of his mouth. Scarlett wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned her head on his shoulder. Daryl's arms surrounded her waist tightly again and his head moved next to hers. He could feel her warm breath on his neck and the steady, calm heartbeat of her heart beating against his chest. Her grip was gentle and soft on his neck.

From the door to the courtyard, Leona watched the two with a watchful eye. She was jealous, but also happy for Scarlett. She knew Scarlett and the awful past that followed them both, and she was glad Scarlett was letting someone in. She knew it wasn't easy, but she believed in her sister. "Keep him close, Scar." She whispered to herself and looked up at the moon. "I swear all you bitches better keep her safe, after everything she did for you, she deserves your protection." Leona hissed at the moon. She knew her sisters were up there somewhere watching over them both. She looked back at Scarlett and Daryl, and smiled. "You hurt her Dixon, I'll kill you." She muttered and started heading back towards the cell block, the others following behind her.

"Were your sisters nice?" She turned around to see Carl. "They were, they also were a bunch of goody goodies, well everyone except Scarlett. She was the hero." He smiled and took a loose strand of her red hair. "Is this natural?" She chuckled, clutching her stomach. "Yes, boy, it is all natural." Leona said with a smile. Carl chuckled and then went up to the cell block. "Kids, crazy, little, bastards, kinda cute though." She followed the boy and headed up to the cell blocks. She didn't trust these people, but she would fight for her sister. Leona wasn't one to back down from a fight and this wouldn't be an exception. She laid down in her cell and stared at the ceiling. "You look bored." She looked up to see Scarlett, leaning at the entrance. "Thought ya would be with your boy." Leona smirked, but Scarlett only shrugged. "He needs his space." Leona studied her sister's face and body language. "You're afraid." Leona said and stood up from the bunk. "Of me?" Scarlett shook her head and walked towards Leona, she ran a thumb over cheek and then backed away. Leona looked at her and watched as Scarlett ran a hand through her hair. Scarlett was never good talking about her feeling and when she did, it was a brief conversation with no questions unless Scarlett was asking the questions. "Oh just say it, Scar." Leona said impatiently. Suddenly, she was in a gentle embrace and didn't know what to do. "What if I lose you, Leona, what would I do without you." Scarlett whispered weakly. Leona pulled back to look at her sister and gave a small smile. "You won't, and if you do, well then you keep living and fighting like the Scarlett I know." Scarlett scoffed and gave a weak smile. "Oh and don't give me no damn funeral, they're so sad." Scarlett chuckled and shoved her hands in her pocket. "You can be a pain, Leona, but sometimes you're alright." Leona chuckled and placed her hand on Scarlett's shoulder. "I'm your sister, it's my job, baby sister." She narrowed her eyes at Leona and Leona began to laugh. "I told you not to call me that, Leo." Leona stopped her laugher and glared at Scarlett, who had a smirk on her face.

"You really wanna do this? Cause we can end this, right now." Leona said and cracked her knuckles. "Nah, it's on Leona, plus we need this." Scarlett said and pulled off her jacket, revealing a dark green tank top that was fitted to her body. Leona pulled off her jacket to reveal a black tank top that was also fitted to her body. "How many of those do you have?" Leona asked and Scarlett held up three fingers. "Alright, you know the rules." Scarlett nodded and threw her jacket to the side. "Give me your worse, Leo." She smirked and Leona let out a groan. "I hate you." Scarlett chuckled. "I hate you too, sis."

Leona landed on the floor again and slowly got up as Scarlett walked back to her position. Leona faced her and Scarlett seemed to be scanning her, finding every weakness. Leona ran forwards and threw a punch at Scarlett, but she blocked and aimed for Leona stomach. Quickly, Leona put her guard up and blocked, then pushed Scarlett down. Scarlett was fast though, she was on her feet in a matter of seconds and was circling Leona. She wasn't letting everything go on Leona, even though she felt her sister wanted her to. Scarlett, though a year younger than her 28 year old sister, Leona, was always the mature and the more controlled sister out of all of them. Leona was more hot headed and loved picking fights and causing chaos with anyone she could. "Your form is a bit sloppy." Scarlett said and Leona rolled her eyes. "Your face is a bit sloppy, now shut up and let me hit you." Scarlett chuckled and ducked as Leona threw a punch at her, Scarlett grabbed her arm and shoved her to the ground. "And you're a bit slow." Scarlett said and Leona groaned. "Is that what he said?" Leona joked. Scarlett froze and Leona took the chance to throw a punch. Scarlett was caught off guard and fell, rubbing her cheek. Leona began to laugh and Scarlett rolled her eyes, but then found a opportunity. She kicked Leona off her feet and the girl, landed on her back, on the ground. Scarlett sat up and sat crisscross, facing Leona. "You okay?" She asked sweetly, and Leona groaned. Leona slowly sat up and bent one of her legs while the other one laid out straight. She propped her left arm on her knee and wiped her other hand over her face.

"Since when did ya get so good?" Leona asked and Scarlett rolled her eyes. "I was always good, just didn't want to fight you." She said and pulled a rubber band from her pocket, and tied up her hair into a ponytail. "Good to know you actually listened." Leona said and rubbed her sore shoulder. "Thought you only listened to May." She said and Scarlett rubbed her cheek. "She was younger then us, all of us, it wasn't right for her to be there, not at that age." Scarlett said softly. "I guess Ryan needed someone younger." Leona said harshly, thinking of her father. "Listen, I'm sorry Scar for what I said to ya when we first got here." Scarlett shrugged. "Doesn't matter." Leona rolled her eyes. "How long you been telling yourself that one?" Scarlett looked at her sister. "11 years." Leona looked at Scarlett, but Scarlett seemed unfazed. "It wasn't right for them to kill her just to get to you. She should still be alive." Leona said softly, and Scarlett scoffed. "She would have been tortured, raped, she would have been made a monster like me." Scarlett said weakly and stood up. "And her name wasn't Hope or Faith, it was Paris." Leona smiled at the name. "I hate that I never got to know her." Leona said and slowly got up, and sat next to Scarlett on the benches in the cell block.

Scarlett started to trace a scar on her arm and Leona tilted her head to read it. "That bastard did this to you?" Leona hissed and Scarlett placed a hand on Leona's shoulder. "It's alright, Leona, really." Leona looked back at her sister and felt her anger die down. She wondered how Scarlett could be so calm. Scarlett snapped her head towards the door when she heard the door snap shut. Daryl walked in slowly, but he looked more like himself now. "You alright?" Scarlett asked softly and he only nodded. She watched him walk to the perch and sighed. She turned to Leona and touched the ring hanging from her neck. "What happened?" Leona asked softly and Scarlett turned to look at her. "Merle is dead." She said weakly. Leona stood up and Scarlett grabbed her arm. "Don't, Leona, you'll make it worse." Leona softly pulled her arm away and ignored her warning.

Suddenly, Leona was grabbed again and she was face to face with Scarlett. "Please Leona, leave him alone." She said sweetly and Leona sighed. "Fine, on one condition though, he hurts you, I kick his ass." Scarlett rolled her eyes. "I think I can handle myself, Leona." Leona rolled her eyes. "I'll still kick his ass." She muttered and Scarlett chuckled. "Not if you fight him like you fought me." She smirked and Leona groaned. "Don't get cocky." The two girls went their separate ways, awaiting the next day.

The day of war.

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