Chapter 14

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I jolted awake and saw Lori look back at me and Rick glanced back once, I looked in front of me to see Carl. "You okay?" Lori asked and I waved her off. "Yea yea I'm good, where's my bike?" She looked out the back window and I saw my bike strapped in the back of the pickup. "Damn, we're low." I turned back to Rick, who honked the horn, making my head throb. He climbed out along with the others and I followed them. I saw the rest of the group leave their cars and Daryl climbing off his motorcycle.

"I'm running on fumes, don't have anything left." Rick said to the group. "We also need more supplies, we're running low." Carol said and she smiled at me. "Alright, let's camp here tonight, maybe see if we can do a run in the morning for supplies." Rick said and somehow this started a big argument. Apparently, some of the group didn't trust Rick and some did, and I heard small things that seemed important since once they were said, the arguing died down a bit. "We're all infected." Rick said softly and people seemed outraged. "What does it matter, it doesn't change a damn thing!" Rick yelled at the others who felt like they should have known this sooner. I could see Rick's frustration with group and sooner or later he was going to break.

Some of the group thought we should leave, which really was a dumb plan. Rick walked away to frustrated with group to listen. "Maybe Dale was right." I mumbled.

Night came and T-dog started a fire since the weather was becoming colder. I sat near it soaking up the warmth and felt someone sit next me, then someone else. "We should leave." I turned to see Carol. "We can't trust him." She whispered. "Why? Just because he tried to protect from the truth? He knew that people would be scared that's why he didn't tell us, and maybe he didn't believe it at first." I said softly and turned back towards the fire. Maggie walked over, her body visible only by the light of the fire. "We should be on the move, it's not safe out here."
I sighed. "The herd wasn't heading this way, I think we're fine for now, Maggie." Carol scoffed. "Not with him around." This time Daryl answered. "What do ya want, Carol?" She looked at him and then me. "A man of honor." "Rick is a man of honor and I wouldn't want someone who's not, runnin this group." He spoke. "Well I'm leaving." Carol said, but when she turned Rick was there. "No one's leaving." She scoffed. "Do something!" He broke and he let his anger come to the surface.

"I am doing something, I'm keeping this group together, alive. What more do you want? I killed my best friend for you people for Christ's sakes. You saw the way he pushed me, went against everything, and then lead me into the woods to put a bullet in my back! I've been protecting all of you, not myself, you, and this is what I get. My hands are clean, so leave, go on you'll be better off without me anyway!"

"Enough!" I said, my head throbbing. Everyone who had now gathered around, had their eyes on me. "No one is leaving, so you can all just get that crazy idea out of your head, and why are you blaming Rick for everything? It's not like he wanted this to happen! So just stop, with the fight and arguing, just stop already." I walked away and leaned against the pickup, while everyone surrounded the fire.

"I wish you were here, May, you would solve this, help them end this pointless fighting." I pulled her ring from my pocket, I had grabbed it before the horde came not being able to part with it. "I failed you May, I promised to protect you and now, now you're gone. Just know, I'm always thinking of you and I will never stop." I slipped the ring on my finger and brought it to my lips. "I love you, my sister." I looked up at the moon and smiled. "To the moon and back."

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