Chapter Seventy: ➰

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Hunter's POV

I hated posh restaurants with posh people.

"Will you straighten that bloody tie." My father groaned, for the fifth time.

I also hated wearing a tie.

And being away from Tia.

I hated a lot of things.

But most of all being away from Tia.

We had just entered the deluxe restaurant and were shown to our seats, by the busty blonde who greeted us at the door. I should pass her a tissue for all the dribbling she seems to be doing. Her slutty attitude repulses me. Every girl repulses me. Minus one obviously.

I won't lie, if I had been in this position 6 months ago, I probably would of taken her in the back and gave her one, but her whole demeanour screamed dirty, and why have ham when you have steak at home? Sorry ladies but I'm a one woman man.

"Hunter. Tie now." This fork was going in his eye if he carried on. I rolled my eyes at him while I straightened my tie. "It's a business dinner not the royal wedding, why are we going to so much effort anyway? Haven't you met Mr Chang a number of times?"

"This man is a respectable business man, with many contacts son. It's all about first impressions, I do not want him thinking that the person I have handed my business to is a slob, least of all my son." I'm far from a slob, I'd made ten girls heads turn in this restaurant alone and I haven't even been here 5 minutes. I'm obviously doing something right.

"Any wine gentlemen?" I turned to the blonde, who was still lingering at our table, I shook my head just as my father announced he'd like the restaurants best bottle of red.

"Great now she's gonna keep coming back!" I muttered.

"That bad huh. I always thought you liked Bethany."

"Who the fuck is Bethany?"

"The waitress. Jesus son do you not remember her? Back in January, she was all over you and then I vaguely remember her leaving your hotel room at 5am." Well shit. She obviously didn't make that much of an impression for me not to remember her. "I must say, I much prefer Tia to all those skanky girls I've seen you with in the past."

"That's because Tia's girlfriend material, those other girls were one night material." I shrugged.

My dad nodded, "I still don't know how you managed to get her as your girlfriend."

"I'm a great fucking catch that's why."

Beatrice, Bethany or whatever the hell her name is placed the bottle of red in front of us. I must make a mental note to never bring Tia to this restaurant, I'm not sure she'd wanna meet the staff here.

"Can I get you anything else?" She purred placing her hand on my shoulder, winking at me.

"That'll be all." I peeled her hand from me. "We wish to not be disturbed." She pouted, but eventually got the hint and left us to it. Just as she walked away, a tall gentleman approached the table, dressed rather suave carrying an official looking briefcase.

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