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The past few days Ive been kind of distant with Lindsey because of what I was going to be doing tonight. My last drug deal. It was going to be a major one and if I failed there would be a lot on the line. I wanted to get my shit straight and work on bettering myself. I know she didn't like me doing this because she worried about both my safety and me getting into trouble. I'd done less drug deals since we'd become close, but I was still doing them on days we didn't hang out. But I wanted out. It wasn't worth it anymore.


Since it was Thursday I had ballet at dance. I didn't have to be there until 6:30 so I went home and took a nap. Before I drifted to sleep all I could think about was how carl had been acting kind of quiet the last couple days. Not too strange, just not as talkative as usual. I figured something might be up with Monica, or whatever it was he'd come to me to talk when he was ready.

Half way through ballet we took a 5 minute break to rest and get a drink of water, so I decided to check my phone. I had 3 missed calls from a number I didn't recognize, and a voice mail. I stepped outside to listen to it in private, and my heart sank when I heard the voice.


Carl had been shot.

My jaw dropped and I tried not to start bawling. I came back into the studio grabbing my stuff as quickly as possible. And told my dance teacher what had happened and that I needed to leave early.

I ran out to my car and started driving towards the hospital. It felt like the longest drive of my life even though it was less than ten minutes away. I called Fiona back and told her I was on my way and she said she'd wait for me in the waiting room.

I finally arrived, and when I walked in all I saw were the Gallaghers all in tears. Even little Liam, who shouldn't ever have to experience something like this.

Fiona stood up to hug me and then an old familiar face. Lip. I assume He'd rushed here as soon as he heard.

"What happened to him?" I asked starting to cry as well.

"Drug deal." Was all Fiona could say. My stomach dropped and I was confused.

"I-I thought he quit that shit, what do you mean? He hasn't talked about it once since we got close..."

"That's what we thought too. He was acting so much better having you around. I don't know, I guess we'll have to wait until he can tell us what happened to find out."

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked crying even more.

"We don't know yet he was pretty badly beaten too. He was shot in the arm and collarbone area, they're hoping not close to any vital organs. He went into surgery about an hour ago." Fiona explained.

"Oh god... he has to be okay. It's carl he's a fighter. We can't lose him like this." I said in complete disbelief that this actually happened.

Lip stood up and started pacing in our row of seats.

"I'm gonna kill the son of a bitch who did this to him." he said clenching his fists.

"No ones killing anybody alright!" Fiona said sternly. "It's bad enough this happened and all carl needs is for us to be there for him. It's the least you all could do considering you could give a rats ass less about him any other time besides from Lindsey and I. Please we all need to relax for carls sake."

We sat for another hour or so before a nurse came out and pulled Fiona aside talking to her for a few minutes. Afterwards, Fiona came back over to let us know what was going on.

"Well, he's awake. On a lot of pain meds though. He's got a concussion from the beating, they got the bullets out from everywhere and hes just got cuts and bruises that'll take some time to heal. He was lucky, god he was lucky." She said starting to tear up again.

We all sighed in somewhat of a relief. We all hugged each other thankful that it wasnt nearly as bad as it could have been.

A little bit later the same nurse who talked to Fiona came out again and said we could go back and see him. Only 3 at a time though just to be safe. Fiona, Frank and lip went back first and stayed with him for a good twenty minutes.

Then Debbie and Ian went back for about half that time. They didn't really want Liam to see his brother like that so V and kev kept him occupied.

And finally it was my turn. Fiona said he had asked about me and had smiled when she told him I was here. She walked me to his room and let me go in myself.

When I walked in he turned his head to look towards the door. He tried to sit up but groaned in pain.

"No no no, Carl stay laying down its okay I'm coming over to you." I said walking to his bed sitting on the side, making sure not to bump him since he was in pain. He reached for my hand that was closest to him and intertwined our fingers like he'd done before.

"I'm sorry.." he choked out.

"I know. We all know you are. It's going to be okay." I said giving him a reassuring smile.

"No. I-I was going to quit, I promise. T-that was supposed to be my last one. I wanted out. For you. I wanted to be better." He said starting to cry.

"Shhh it's alright. We'll talk about it when you're feeling better, okay? Right now you just need to rest and relax. The doctors are taking great care of you. You're gonna get through this. You're not alone."

"Please don't be mad at me, I need you."

"Carl I'm not mad, and don't worry I'm not going anywhere."

"Good. W-will you stay with me? I won't sleep good unless you're here..."

"Yeah, I'll have Fiona check with the nurses since you're allowed to have someone stay. I won't leave your side if I don't have to."

I ended up being able to stay with carl which was good since Fiona had to go home and take care of everyone else. I told her I'd call if anything changed with carl.

I got back to his room and he was happy to see me return. I went over to the usual makeshift bed-chair that they had for guests to sleep on and started to get settled when carl asked what I was doing. When I told him we should probably get some rest his response blew my mind...

"No, you have to come sleep next to me in my bed, sweetheart.."

I argued with him that I didn't want to mess up his IV and other stuff he was attached to, or hurt him from being sore but he insisted that I lay with him. So I did.

He wrapped his free arm around me and pulled me close.

"Aren't I hurting you this is where your injuries are?"

And he responded with "Sure, but you're worth all the pain in this world."

In that moment I was almost sure that Carl Francis Gallagher had fallen in love with me.

Save Me 《Carl Gallagher》Where stories live. Discover now