Sad news

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I was getting all hyped for prom with Carl. We had a countdown going. One month. Two weeks. One week.

Now just three short days until we were to be having the time of our lives dancing the night away looking fabulous.

Carl asked me to come over tonight after dance class because he had something to tell me. The whole time in class all I could think about is what he could possibly have to tell me. Good and bad things both crossed my mind but I decided not to think too much into it.

Seven came around and it was time for me to leave the studio and head to the infamous Gallagher house.

When I pulled up Carl was sitting on the front porch waiting. I walked up and gave him a hug and he seemed kind of off.

"Are you okay? Do I smell gross from sweating? W-what do you need to tell me?" I asked confused.

'No, you smell fine" he said with a small laugh. Sit down please?"

I sit down on the step next to him.

Are you breaking up with me? i mean we aren't officially together but-"

"No no no. I love you Linds. I don't really want to ever be without you but unfortunately I'm going to be temporarily."

"What do you mean?" I ask extremely confused.

"Well, I have an opportunity to become a better person.. even better than I've become because of you.. I'm going to military school."

"When are you leaving?"

"In 3 weeks when the school year is done." He said with a sad look on his face.

I nod.

"How long will you be gone?"

"The program is a year long, but we'll get to come home on holidays and one weekend each month. I understand if you want to just stay friends and find someone here who can spend the time with you that you deserve."

"Carl, don't say that. It's not going to be easy but we can make it through. I will miss getting into trouble with ya, but I'm proud of you and know you'll do great." I say  with a smile.

"You'd really do this for me?" he said surprised. "You don't have to.. I mean I want us to make it work but I know its a lot to ask."

"I want to. It'll all work out. You Gallaghers always find a way. " I said laughing.

"Lets enjoy prom and these last few weeks to raise some hell and we'll take it from there."

"Sounds like a plan." He said with a smile leaning into kiss me.

" I love you Carl."

"I think that's the first time you've said that.."

"Well rest assured and know its certaintly not the first time I've thought it."

Save Me 《Carl Gallagher》Where stories live. Discover now