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It was now Monday in seventh period and our teacher was handing our tests back from Friday. I turned around to see a shocked look on Carl's face. He looked up at me seeing the confused look on mine.

"I got a 100%!" Carl said excitedly, Jumping out of his seat in shock.

"No way! Carl that's amazing I told you you could do it!" I stood up to hug him.

"All thanks to you sweetheart. Maybe we should study together more often.." he whispered winking at me and kissing me on the cheek.

We broke off from our embrace and sat back in our seats since our teacher was about to begin the new lesson.

After class, I walked upstairs to my locker with Haley and then we went down the hall to hers. After she was done grabbing her stuff we headed out to our cars. On the way out we walked by Dylans locker where Carl was standing as well with a few of their other friends. As we walked past Carl grabbed my elbow which stopped me from walking. I motioned to Haley that I had to take this and she winked at me because I'd been filling her in on stuff between me and Carl.

I turned to face him and he smiled.

"Sorry didn't mean to snag you from your friend, but I forgot to ask you earlier if you wanted to go grab some food with us after we're done here, my treat?" He asked confidently with a hopeful look in his eyes.

I smiled at him. "Yeah sounds cool" I said playfully bumping him on the shoulder like I was one of the guys.

Carl rode with me in my car to where we decided to eat and Dylan, his girlfriend Janelle and his other 2 friends met us over there.

We all talked and had a good time while eating. About halfway through Janelle had to go to the bathroom and of course it's girl code to go in pairs. I got to know her pretty well being friends with Dylan and she was a pretty chill and sweet girl. I really liked her in comparison to Dylans bitch ex Kelsey.

She was standing at the sink washing he hands when she caught me off guard with what she said.

"You and Carl are cute together. You're good for him."

My first reaction was to laugh. "Carl and I are just friends."

She turned around and gave me the 'you're not fooling me' look.

"Oh yeah well I don't think just friends kiss for fun, and come on I see the way he looks at you. You're special to him. Most girls he'd never show off in public like this."

My face went blank and white like I'd seen a ghost when she'd mentioned the kissing.

"Wait did he tell you we kissed?"

"Oh, so you did...! I could just tell. But seriously girl, he definitely likes you. We've all noticed. He's a softie when you're around, but that's a good thing.

After we were done eating I thanked Carl for treating me and gave him a hug. He rode back with Dylan and Janelle since they all lived in south side. The whole ride home I kept thinking about what Janelle said about carl liking me.


I texted Lindsey to let me know when she got home safe since she was driving back herself. I must have been smiling thinking about her, because when I looked up Janelle was turned around giving me a look.

"Texting her already aren't you?" She asked teasing me making my cheeks burn red.

I didn't need to respond, she already knew.

Before I got out when we arrived at my house, she said something that would keep me up all night.

"You know you really should make your move before someone else does. A lot of guys want her. And right now all she wants is you.."

Save Me 《Carl Gallagher》Where stories live. Discover now