Chapter 1

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Bright rays of sunlight shone through the little pink bedroom. It wasn't too fancy, but it served its purpose to the little girl who claimed it as her own. It had a desk, a dresser, and a little bookshelf with all her favorite stories inside. On the far end of the room laid a simple bed with a white frame and light pink blankets. Beside it sat a nightstand with one simple picture on it.

The picture was of a little girl and her mother. The girl's short, pink hair had been curled and laid perfectly on her tiny shoulders. She wore a light yellow sundress with a dainty, floral print. Her brown eyes shined as brightly as her fanged smile.

Next to her sat a beautiful woman with long blonde hair that reached her waist. If you truly cared to know who she was, you would recognize her as the beautiful Lucy Heartfilia, though she no longer went by that name to keep her identity a secret. She wore a plain white dress with a key necklace dangling from her neck. Just like her daughter, she had big, beautiful brown eyes.

The peaceful morning was disturbed when the girl's bedroom door was swung opened. At the door stood the blonde woman who was in the picture on her desk, only this time, she wore a light blue dress shirt and black dress pants, all her hair pulled up into a side ponytail held up with a blue ribbon. On her right hand was a white glove.

"Nashi, are you still sleeping?" Lucy questioned toward the lump of blankets on the bed. When she received no response, she ungracefully trudged over to the piece of furniture.

"Honey, if you're late for school again you'll get detention, and we don't want that do we?" she asked upon reaching the bed. Without a moment's hesitation, the blonde ripped the blankets away, revealing the little girl with pink hair, staring at absolutely nothing.

She appeared a few years older than when the picture had been taken, at least eight years old now. Her hair had turned a shade lighter than it once was, but still a lovely pink. She wore a simple yellow t-shirt and basketball shorts as her pajamas along with the socks on her feet. Her brown eyes were nothing like the ones in the picture, having a slightly dead look to them.

"You were awake this whole time!" Lucy exclaimed unhappily. Instead of wasting time however, the blonde headed toward Nashi's dresser opposite of her bed. "It doesn't matter. Hurry and get up, I'll get your clothes for you. If you hurry, you might be able to walk to school with Mai."

Nashi didn't move however, she just remained in her lying position staring at the ceiling. With little effort, Nashi moved her left arm to cover her eyes from the suns blinding rays that came trough her bedroom window. Her mother turned around, expecting to see her daughter up and getting her breakfast, however upon seeing that her child had yet to move, she began to grow troubled. Since she was born, Nashi had been a pretty obedient girl, but over the past few days, Lucy began to notice her lack of production, which caused her to grow somewhat concerned.

Her mother walked back to her daughter's side, taking a seat on the bed beside her.

"Nashi," she said quietly, "are you okay? You've been acting different lately." Nashi did not respond. Lucy tried to think of a reason as to why her daughter had been acting this way; only one thing came to mind.

"Did something happen at school?" Nashi moved her arm a little farther down her face, telling her mother she had hit the target. Just like every child, Nashi had her fair share of problems at school, but it had never bothered her so much in the past. Nashi was a strong child who could take everything that was thrown at her; it was so odd that she had suddenly been reduced to a harmless little girl.

"Was it that one annoying kid? Haruto or something?" she questioned. From what her mother knew, Haruto had picked on Nashi when she first started school. He often made fun of her hair color and how she looked like she had hair made of bubblegum, but Nashi being the "big girl" she was, never let his comments bother her. Since then, she never really talked about the things he would say about her. It surprised Lucy when Nashi nodded her head.

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